在 Payara 5 中,我在尝试运行时收到“在执行此操作之前应将语句包装设置为 true”
"./asadmin set resources.jdbc-connection-pool.mysql_MY-DB-NAME_rootPool.max-wait-time-in-millis=604800"
./asadmin set resources.jdbc-connection-pool.mysql_MY-DB-NAME_rootPool.max-wait-time-in-millis=604800
Enter admin user name> MY_ADMIN_USER
Enter admin password for user "MY_ADMIN_USER">
remote failure: Could not change the attributes: Constraints for this JdbcConnectionPool configuration have been violated: on property [ ] violation reason [ Statement Wrapping should be set to true before performing this operation ]
Constraints for this JdbcConnectionPool configuration have been violated: on property [ ] violation reason [ Statement Wrapping should be set to true before performing this operation ]
Command set failed