I am looking to fetch the results folder from silk central so that I can place my qtp results in the same folder and thereby upload them to silk central. I know that the parameter #sctm_test_results_dir can be used in Java with System.getproperty and it works if my test is a Silk4J test. I have an executable jar file with steps to zip the results and place in the #sctm_test_results_dir directory and I call this JAR file from QTP. But the value returned for the results dir is null. It works fine if I try it as a keyword driven silk4j test though. Any help is appreciated.

The below code is the JAR file which I call from QTP using

Systemutil.Run "cmd",""/K "&str01,"" 

... where str01 is:

"cd c:\ "&chr(38)&chr(38)&chr(32)&"java -jar " &chr(34) & JarFilePath & chr(34) & chr(32) & SrcPath 

JAR file :

String Destpath=System.getenv("#sctm_test_results_dir"); 
// ^ returns null 
System.out.println("Sourcepath :"+Sourcepath); 
System.out.println("DestinationPath :"+Destpath); 
// ^ function to zip contents 
System.out.println("Zip complete");`



1 回答 1



QTP/UFT创建具有相同名称的测试输入参数(以开头的参数#在 UFT 中不起作用)。


于 2018-06-05T13:48:19.147 回答