在 formstack 表单中,我需要能够将列表作为参数传递给表单,并从该列表中创建用户可以选择的复选框或下拉菜单,并将其保存在 formstack 的数据库中并像所有其他一样发送到集成字段。这是我想发送的示例:



我一直在修补 Jenna Molby 使用此处找到的 url 参数动态修改 html 的方法:


但到目前为止还没有运气。目前,我还没有成功地让动态文本填充到表单中,更不用说一个表单域,然后与 formstack 的后端对话。


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多亏了 Eric 的建议,我才走到了一半。页脚中的这段代码可以通过 id 占用您已经在表单中插入的复选框。它将用您在 url 中发送的值替换该复选框。但是当您提交时,选择不会被 Formstack 捕获。

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
  var url = new URL(window.location.href);
  //Put field number in var fieldNumber
  var fieldNumber = "12345678";
  //Put the parameter you're searching for in var param
  var param = "parameter name";
  //if you want a prefix before your values in the checkbox, use prefix
  var prefix = "Prefix ";
  //Put the question you want to ask here.
    var theQuestion = "Which of the values that came through the url will you select?";
  //What should the single checkbox say if no parameters are passed?
  var theDefaultBox = "No variables were contained in the parameter.";
  var theField = "field" + fieldNumber;
  var theFieldID = "fsCell"+fieldNumber;
  var values = url.searchParams.get(param).split(",");
  var theFieldHTMLfront = "";
  if (values) {theFieldHTMLfront = "<fieldset id=\"label"+fieldNumber+"\"><legend class=\"fsLabel fsLabelVertical\"><span>"+theQuestion+"</span></legend><div class=\"fieldset-content\"><label class=\"fsOptionLabel vertical\" for=\""+theField+"_1\"><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\""+theField+"_1\" name=\""+theField+"[]\" value=\""+ prefix + values[0] + "\" class=\"fsField vertical\" />"+ prefix + values[0] + "</label>";} else {theFieldHTMLfront = "<fieldset id=\"label"+fieldNumber+"\"><legend class=\"fsLabel fsLabelVertical\"><span>Which values may have observed or have knowledge about this event?</span></legend><div class=\"fieldset-content\"><label class=\"fsOptionLabel vertical\" for=\""+theField+"_1\"><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\""+theField+"_1\" name=\""+theField+"[]\" value=\""+theDefaultBox+"\" class=\"fsField vertical\" />test</label>";}
  var theFieldHTMLback = "</div></fieldset>";
  for (var i = 1; i < values.length; i++) {
    theFieldHTMLfront += "<label class=\"fsOptionLabel vertical\" for=\""+theField+(i+1)+"\"><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\""+theField+(i+1)+"\" name=\""+theField+"[]\" value=\""+prefix+values[i]+"\" class=\"fsField vertical\" />"+ prefix + values[i] + "</label>"; 
  var theFieldHTML = theFieldHTMLfront + theFieldHTMLback;
  document.getElementById(theFieldID).innerHTML = theFieldHTML;

关于如何让它在提交时与 Formstack 对话的任何想法?


2 回答 2


不熟悉 formstack 或您从 URL 中获得的确切内容并放入表单或什么类型,但我会在这里在黑暗中拍摄。


var paramsToGet = ['param', 'param', 'param'];

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
  let url = new URL(window.location.href);
    let thisParam = url.searchParams.get(param);
    newFormElement(thisParam, x, x, "Default Value");

var newFormElement = (type, element_id, target_id, default_value) => {
  default_value = default_value || null;
  let el = document.createElement(type);
  el.id = element_id;
  if (default_value) {el.value = default_value;}

于 2018-06-03T00:35:51.510 回答



var selectedValues = [];
//This code goes in your Formstack theme footer. In the form that you want to add dynamic checkboxes to, create two fields using the WYSIWYG editor: a checkbox field and a text entry field. Make the text entry field hidden. You will need to know the id number of both the text entry and checkbox fields.

//Put the text entry field number in var textFieldNumber
var textFieldNumber = "field"+"12345678";
var index;
var checkboxFieldNumber = "12345679";
//Put the parameter you're searching for in var param
var param = "param";
//if you want a prefix before your values in the checkbox, use prefix
var prefix = "";
//Put the question you want to ask here.
var theQuestion = "Your question?";
//What should the single checkbox say if no parameters are passed?
var theDefaultBox = "Default message.";
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
  var url = new URL(window.location.href);
  //Put checkbox field number in var checkboxFieldNumber
  //Build the replacement HTML for the placeholder checkbox field.
  var theField = "field" + checkboxFieldNumber;
  var theFieldID = "fsCell"+checkboxFieldNumber;
  var values = url.searchParams.get(param).split(",") || null;
  var theFieldHTMLfront = "";
  if (values) {theFieldHTMLfront = "<fieldset id=\"label"+checkboxFieldNumber+"\"><legend class=\"fsLabel fsLabelVertical\"><span>"+theQuestion+"</span></legend><div class=\"fieldset-content\"><label class=\"fsOptionLabel vertical\" for=\""+theField+"_1\"><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\""+theField+"_1\" name=\""+theField+"[]\" value=\""+values[0]+"\" onchange=\"checkBoxToggle(this)\" class=\"fsField vertical\" />"+ prefix + values[0] + "</label>";} else {theFieldHTMLfront = "<fieldset id=\"label"+checkboxFieldNumber+"\"><legend class=\"fsLabel fsLabelVertical\"><span>Which values may have observed or have knowledge about this event?</span></legend><div class=\"fieldset-content\"><label class=\"fsOptionLabel vertical\" for=\""+theField+"_1\"><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\""+theField+"_1\" name=\""+theField+"[]\" value=\""+theDefaultBox+"\" onchange=\"checkBoxToggle(this)\" class=\"fsField vertical\" />test</label>";}
  var theFieldHTMLback = "</div></fieldset>";
  //iterate through the array found in the url parameters, adding a new checkbox option for each element in the array.
  if (values) {for (var i = 1; i < values.length; i++) {
    theFieldHTMLfront += "<label class=\"fsOptionLabel vertical\" for=\""+theField+(i+1)+"\"><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\""+theField+"_"+(i+1)+"\" name=\""+theField+"[]\" value=\""+values[i]+"\" onchange=\"checkBoxToggle(this)\" class=\"fsField vertical\" />"+ prefix + values[i] + "</label>";
  //finalize replacement HTML
  var theFieldHTML = theFieldHTMLfront + theFieldHTMLback;
  //write new HTML to DOM
  document.getElementById(theFieldID).innerHTML = theFieldHTML;

function checkBoxToggle(thisBox) {
  if(thisBox.checked) {
    //When a new checkbox is selected, add its value to array selectedValues, sort it, and write it to the text entry field.
    document.getElementById(textFieldNumber).value = selectedValues;
  } else {
    //When a checkbox is deselected, splice its value out of array selectedValues and write the array to the text entry field's value
    index = selectedValues.indexOf(thisBox.value);
    if (index > -1) {
      selectedValues.splice(index, 1);
      document.getElementById(textFieldNumber).value = selectedValues;
于 2018-06-03T20:49:33.260 回答