I'm using Bliki-core
(version-3.1.0) to access a wikipedia page with the the title "Web service" for my test case. My code is below
String[] listOfTitleStrings = { "Web service" };
User user = new User("", "", "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php");
List<Page> listOfPages = user.queryContent(listOfTitleStrings);
for (Page page : listOfPages) {
WikiModel wikiModel = new WikiModel("${image}", "${title}");
String html = wikiModel.render(page.toString());
When i access the URL:
http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php? format=xml&action=query&titles=Web%20service&prop=revisions&rvprop=content
I can see the xml output. But when I run my java code i get the following output
<p>Page{ns=0, title=Web service, id=93483, links=[], categories=[],
editToken='null', imageUrl='null', imageThumbUrl='null',
missing=false, invalid=false, revision=info.bliki.api.Revision@74e46064}</p>
What am I missing here?