我希望从 Stata 在 R 中运行 Lasso 模型,然后将结果字符列表(子集系数的名称)作为宏(例如,全局)带回 Stata。


  1. 我使用以下方法保存dta文件并从 Stata 运行 R 脚本shell

    shell $Rloc --vanilla <"${LOC}/Lasso.R"

    这适用于保存的dta文件,并允许我运行我希望运行但不是交互式的套索模型,因此我无法将相关字符列表(带有子集变量的名称)带回 Stata。

  2. 我使用rcall. 但是,rcall即使在最大 Stata 内存下,也不允许我加载足够大的矩阵。我的预测矩阵Z(被 Lasso 子集)是 1000 乘 100,但是当我运行命令时:

    rcall: X <- st.matrix(Z) 


    宏替换导致行太长:由替换宏产生的行将比允许的长。最大允许长度为 645,216 个字符,根据 set maxvar 计算得出。




1 回答 1



不幸的是,rcall它似乎不能很好地处理您需要的大型矩阵。我认为最好调用 R 来使用shell命令运行脚本并将字符串作为变量保存在dta文件中。这需要更多的工作,但它肯定是可编程的。

然后您可以将这些变量读入 Stata 并使用内置函数轻松操作它们。例如,您可以将字符串保存在单独的变量中或保存在一个变量中,然后levelsof按照@Dimitriy 的建议使用。


set obs 5

input str50 string
"this is a string"
"A longer string is this"
"A string that is even longer is this one"
"How many strings do you have?"

levelsof string, local(newstr) 
`"A longer string is this"' `"A string that is even longer is this one"' `"How many strings do you have?"' `"this is a string"'

tokenize `"`newstr'"'

forvalues i = 1 / `: word count `newstr'' {
    display "``i''"

A longer string is this
A string that is even longer is this one
How many strings do you have?
this is a string


正如@Dimitriy 还指出的那样,现在有一些社区贡献的命令可用于lasso,ehich 可以满足您的需求,因此您不必摆弄 R:

search lasso

5 packages found (Stata Journal and STB listed first)

elasticregress from http://fmwww.bc.edu/RePEc/bocode/e
    'ELASTICREGRESS': module to perform elastic net regression, lasso
    regression, ridge regression / elasticregress calculates an elastic
    net-regularized / regression: an estimator of a linear model in which
    larger / parameters are discouraged.  This estimator nests the LASSO / and

lars from http://fmwww.bc.edu/RePEc/bocode/l
    'LARS': module to perform least angle regression / Least Angle Regression
    is a model-building algorithm that / considers parsimony as well as
    prediction accuracy.  This / method is covered in detail by the paper
    Efron, Hastie, Johnstone / and Tibshirani (2004), published in The Annals

lassopack from http://fmwww.bc.edu/RePEc/bocode/l
    'LASSOPACK': module for lasso, square-root lasso, elastic net, ridge,
    adaptive lasso estimation and cross-validation / lassopack is a suite of
    programs for penalized regression / methods suitable for the
    high-dimensional setting where the / number of predictors p may be large

pdslasso from http://fmwww.bc.edu/RePEc/bocode/p
    'PDSLASSO': module for post-selection and post-regularization OLS or IV
    estimation and inference / pdslasso and ivlasso are routines for
    estimating structural / parameters in linear models with many controls
    and/or / instruments. The routines use methods for estimating sparse /

sivreg from http://fmwww.bc.edu/RePEc/bocode/s
    'SIVREG': module to perform adaptive Lasso with some invalid instruments /
    sivreg estimates a linear instrumental variables regression / where some
    of the instruments fail the exclusion restriction / and are thus invalid.
    The LARS algorithm (Efron et al., 2004) is / applied as long as the Hansen
于 2018-05-31T14:01:57.597 回答