我正在尝试conan用于一个虚拟 C++ 项目(此处与语言无关),但我不喜欢弄乱用户的主目录。默认情况下,conan install将使用~/conan/data指定的~/conan/conan.conf

# This is the default path, but you can write your own. It must be an absolute path or a
# path beginning with "~" (if the environment var CONAN_USER_HOME is specified, this directory, even
# with "~/", will be relative to the conan user home, not to the system user home)
path = ~/.conan/data


我试图将一个[storage]部分添加到我创建的配置文件中,但显然conan不喜欢它(`ERROR: Error reading './locally' profile: ConfigParser: Unrecognized field 'storage')。


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