我在 Blob 存储中有一个 Azure 表及其备份。

在此处输入图像描述 在此处输入图像描述

当我尝试使用 AzCopy 还原它时,有些已还原,但有些出现错误。


[2018/05/29 12:01:49.463+03:00][VERBOSE] 6.1.0 : AzCopy /Source:https://arenaxtablesbackup.blob.core.windows.net/arenaxstorage/2018-05-28 /Dest:https://arenaxstoragedev.table.core.windows.net/LeaderboardDaily /SourceKey:****** /Destkey:****** /Manifest:arenaxstorage_LeaderboardDaily.manifest /EntityOperation:InsertOrReplace /Z /V
[2018/05/29 12:01:52.531+03:00][VERBOSE] Uploaded entities: 0    Downloaded blobs: 1, transferred bytes: 191 B
[2018/05/29 12:01:52.758+03:00] Validating the integrity of data file list...
[2018/05/29 12:01:52.974+03:00] Validation of data file list passed.
[2018/05/29 12:01:53.208+03:00] 
Transfer summary:
Total entities transferred: 0
Elapsed time:               00.00:00:03
[2018/05/29 12:04:57.932+03:00] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
[2018/05/29 12:04:57.937+03:00][VERBOSE] 6.1.0 : AzCopy /Source:https://arenaxtablesbackup.blob.core.windows.net/arenaxstorage/2018-05-28 /Dest:https://arenaxstoragedev.table.core.windows.net/LeaderboardUser /SourceKey:****** /Destkey:****** /Manifest:arenaxstorage_LeaderboardUser.manifest /EntityOperation:InsertOrReplace /Z /V
[2018/05/29 12:05:01.189+03:00][VERBOSE] Uploaded entities: 0    Downloaded blobs: 1, transferred bytes: 209 B
[2018/05/29 12:05:01.440+03:00] Validating the integrity of data file list...
[2018/05/29 12:05:01.679+03:00] Validation of data file list passed.
[2018/05/29 12:05:01.903+03:00][VERBOSE] Uploaded entities: 0    Downloaded blobs: 1 of 2, transferred bytes: 209 B
[2018/05/29 12:05:01.903+03:00][VERBOSE] Uploaded entities: 0    Downloaded blobs: 1 of 2, transferred bytes: 209 B
[2018/05/29 12:05:01.904+03:00][VERBOSE] Uploaded entities: 0    Downloaded blobs: 1 of 2, transferred bytes: 209 B
[2018/05/29 12:05:01.904+03:00][VERBOSE] Uploaded entities: 0    Downloaded blobs: 1 of 2, transferred bytes: 209 B
[2018/05/29 12:05:04.149+03:00][VERBOSE] Uploaded entities: 0    Downloaded blobs: 1 of 2, transferred bytes: 4 MB
[2018/05/29 12:05:23.741+03:00][VERBOSE] Uploaded entities: 0    Downloaded blobs: 1 of 2, transferred bytes: 8 MB
[2018/05/29 12:05:23.747+03:00][VERBOSE] Uploaded entities: 0    Downloaded blobs: 1 of 2, transferred bytes: 9.53 MB
[2018/05/29 12:05:23.753+03:00][VERBOSE] Uploaded entities: 0    Downloaded blobs: 1 of 2, transferred bytes: 9.53 MB
[2018/05/29 12:05:23.753+03:00][VERBOSE] Uploaded entities: 0    Downloaded blobs: 1 of 2, transferred bytes: 9.53 MB
[2018/05/29 12:05:23.756+03:00][VERBOSE] Uploaded entities: 0
[2018/05/29 12:05:23.823+03:00] Validating the integrity of data file "arenaxstorage_LeaderboardUser_0_0_C0DC932F526179D7.json"...
[2018/05/29 12:05:23.849+03:00] Validation of data file "arenaxstorage_LeaderboardUser_0_0_C0DC932F526179D7.json" passed.
[2018/05/29 12:05:26.463+03:00][VERBOSE] Uploaded entities: 100
[2018/05/29 12:05:27.667+03:00][VERBOSE] Uploaded entities: 500
[2018/05/29 12:08:18.882+03:00][VERBOSE] Uploaded entities: 21600
[2018/05/29 12:08:19.024+03:00][VERBOSE] Uploaded entities: 21704
[2018/05/29 12:08:19.040+03:00] 
Transfer summary:
Total entities transferred: 21704
Elapsed time:               00.00:03:21


[2018/05/29 12:10:44.537+03:00] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
[2018/05/29 12:10:44.543+03:00][VERBOSE] 6.1.0 : AzCopy /Source:https://arenaxtablesbackup.blob.core.windows.net/arenaxstorage/2018-05-28 /Dest:https://arenaxstoragedev.table.core.windows.net/Leaderboard /SourceKey:****** /Destkey:****** /Manifest:arenaxstorage_Leaderboard.manifest /EntityOperation:InsertOrReplace /Z /V
[2018/05/29 12:10:47.659+03:00][VERBOSE] Uploaded entities: 0    Downloaded blobs: 1, transferred bytes: 205 B
[2018/05/29 12:10:47.895+03:00] Validating the integrity of data file list...
[2018/05/29 12:10:48.276+03:00][ERROR] Failed to import Azure table. Detailed error: Data validation failed. Data files are missing or have been renamed.



1 回答 1




但我可以使用表服务 REST API 导入此表。是否可以以某种方式对 AzCopy 做同样的事情?

于 2018-05-31T08:44:52.197 回答