SEO-friendly URLs are all the rage these days. But do they actually have a meaningful impact on a page's ranking in Google and other search engines? If so, why? If not, why not?

(Note that I would absolutely agree that SEO-friendly URLs are nicer to use for human beings. My question is whether they actually make a difference to the ranking algorithms.)

Update: As it turns out, the Google post that endorphine points to here has caused tremendous confusion in the SEO community. For a sampling of the discussion, see here, here, and here. Part of the problem is that the Google post is addressing the worst case where URL rewriting is done poorly and so you'd be better off sticking with a dynamic URL rather than a mangled static "SEO-friendly" URL.

There's no question dynamic URLs can be crawled by Google and can achieve high rankings. Maybe it would be easier to reframe the question more concretely: given 2 otherwise equivalent pages, which will rank higher for the search "do seo friendly urls really affect page ranking"?

A) Do SEO-friendly URLs really affect a page's ranking?


B) http://stackoverflow.com?question=505793 (a fake URL for comparison only)


5 回答 5


I will let google answer to your question:


In the article:

Which can Googlebot read better, static or dynamic URLs? [...]While static URLs might have a slight advantage in terms of clickthrough rates because users can easily read the urls, the decision to use database-driven websites does not imply a significant disadvantage in terms of indexing and ranking. Providing search engines with dynamic URLs should be favored over hiding parameters to make them look static

于 2009-02-03T02:09:43.033 回答


SEOmoz 有一篇文章,其中包含有关URL 最佳实践的建议以及每个对可用性或搜索引擎有帮助的原因。

于 2009-02-03T04:18:24.380 回答


但我确实喜欢描述性 URL 改善用户体验的建议。我认为对于短 URL 来说确实如此(例如,“/help”或“/ask”等)。当与创建此类 URL 方案的成本(有时可能很昂贵)进行权衡时,人们只需要确定这种好处对项目的价值有多大;我有几个客户在这项工作上花费了数千美元,但对搜索排名没有任何可衡量的影响。

于 2009-02-03T15:41:41.287 回答

关键字频率和页面排名确实是 SEO 中的两个主要因素。

因此,在您的 URL 中包含关键字是可取的。


于 2009-05-29T18:52:22.310 回答

在其他条件相同的情况下,两个页面都将达到相同的 pagerank。Pagerank 取决于有多少人链接到您以及他们的页面排名是多少。因此,它不会影响您的 pagerank。

但这确实会影响您最终在搜索结果中的排名。在搜索索引中,不仅页面排名很重要,关键字相关性也很重要。如果您的网址中有关键字并且有人搜索它们,那么您的页面将更相关并且在搜索结果中更高。此外,当人们链接到您时,他们用来链接到您的关键字丰富的 URL 也将提高您的相关性。

不要盯着pagerank看自己。没关系。重要的是你被人们发现了。Pagerank 只是其中的一小部分(并且一直在减少)。

于 2009-05-29T19:23:03.230 回答