当我更新 aresource时,它会返回List View并正确更新资源,但一会儿List View闪烁并且控制台报告警告:

Warning: Encountered two children with the same key, `2`. Keys should be unique so that components maintain their identity across updates. Non-unique keys may cause children to be duplicated and/or omitted — the behavior is unsupported and could change in a future version.
in tbody (created by TableBody)
in TableBody (created by WithStyles(TableBody))
in WithStyles(TableBody) (created by DatagridBody)
in DatagridBody (created by shouldUpdate(DatagridBody))
in shouldUpdate(DatagridBody) (created by Datagrid)
in table (created by Table)
in Table (created by WithStyles(Table))
in WithStyles(Table) (created by Datagrid)
in Datagrid (created by WithStyles(Datagrid))
in WithStyles(Datagrid) (at UserList.js:13)
in div (created by ListView)
in div (created by Paper)
in Paper (created by WithStyles(Paper))
in WithStyles(Paper) (created by Card)
in Card (created by WithStyles(Card))
in WithStyles(Card) (created by ListView)
in div (created by ListView)
in ListView (created by ListController)
in ListController (created by TranslatedComponent(undefined))
in TranslatedComponent(undefined) (created by Connect(TranslatedComponent(undefined)))
in Connect(TranslatedComponent(undefined)) (created by List)
in List (created by WithStyles(List))
in WithStyles(List) (at UserList.js:12)
in UserList (created by WithPermissions)
in WithPermissions (created by Connect(WithPermissions))
in Connect(WithPermissions) (created by getContext(Connect(WithPermissions)))
in getContext(Connect(WithPermissions)) (created by Route)
in Route (created by Resource)
in Switch (created by Resource)
in Resource (created by Connect(Resource))
in Connect(Resource) (at App.js:26)
in Route (created by RoutesWithLayout)
in Switch (created by RoutesWithLayout)
in RoutesWithLayout (created by Route)
in div (created by Layout)
in main (created by Layout)
in div (created by Layout)
in div (created by Layout)
in Layout (created by WithStyles(Layout))
in WithStyles(Layout) (created by Connect(WithStyles(Layout)))
in Connect(WithStyles(Layout)) (created by LayoutWithTheme)
in MuiThemeProvider (created by LayoutWithTheme)
in LayoutWithTheme (created by Route)
in Route (created by CoreAdminRouter)
in Switch (created by CoreAdminRouter)
in div (created by CoreAdminRouter)
in CoreAdminRouter (created by Connect(CoreAdminRouter))
in Connect(CoreAdminRouter) (created by getContext(Connect(CoreAdminRouter)))
in getContext(Connect(CoreAdminRouter)) (created by Route)
in Route (created by CoreAdmin)
in Switch (created by CoreAdmin)
in Router (created by ConnectedRouter)
in ConnectedRouter (created by CoreAdmin)
in TranslationProvider (created by withContext(TranslationProvider))
in withContext(TranslationProvider) (created by Connect(withContext(TranslationProvider)))
in Connect(withContext(TranslationProvider)) (created by CoreAdmin)
in Provider (created by CoreAdmin)
in CoreAdmin (created by withContext(CoreAdmin))
in withContext(CoreAdmin) (at App.js:20)
in App (at index.js:6)

即使出现此警告,也会应用更新。在 中console,变化前和变化后的记录看起来是一样的(都有 required id,唯一的区别当然是变化):

在更新之前记录列表记录: 在 UPDATE 之前记录列表记录 这就是我在 httpClient 中返回更新数据的方式:

更新后的日志列表记录: 更新后记录列表记录

  switch (type) {
    // (...)
    case UPDATE:
      return { data: { id, ...updateDiff } }; 
    // e.g.: id = 2 and updateDiff = {diffProp: 'newValue'}


  switch (type) {
    // (...)
    case UPDATE:
      return { data: updateDiff }; 
    // e.g.: id = 2 and updateDiff = {diffProp: 'newValue'}

警告状态:Warning: Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop.,所以我猜这id是必需的(根据最新版本的文档)。



2 回答 2


编辑:我找出了我的问题的来源:基本上GET_LIST我正在返回带有编号类型的 id 的记录。但是,在GET_ONE(而不是UPDATE)中,我返回了一条 id 类型为字符串的记录。很简单。

我也遇到了同样的问题。我使用的是我自己的数据提供者,我确信我在 UPDATE 之后返回了正确的格式,例如{ data: { id: <int>, ... } }.

出于某种原因,react-admin 似乎将我返回的 id 转换为字符串。当我打印传递给 Datagrid 的道具时,我看到ids包含类似 [308, '308', ...] 的数组(注意 308 id 显示两次,一次是整数,然后是字符串)。也许在某个地方存在类型强制错误,我需要对此进行调查。但是,我设法通过快速破解克服了这个问题,我像这样包装了 Datagrid

const MyDatagridHack = props => {
  const newIds = props.ids.filter(id => typeof(id) !== 'string');
  const newProps = Object.assign({}, props, { ids: newIds });
  return (
    <Datagrid {...newProps} rowClick="edit">


const ResourceList = props => {
  return (
    <List {...props}>
        <TextField source="id" />

这将删除警告,但我对它不是 100% 满意。我需要调查为什么将 id 再次添加为字符串。

于 2019-11-21T19:20:44.113 回答

我也遇到了这个警告。完全一样的情况。出于某种原因,ra 尝试将更新的记录附加为新记录,但操作类型恰好是“更新”。我已经创建了这个问题,但开发人员无法重现它。演示也可以正常工作。问题链接:https ://github.com/marmelab/react-admin/issues/1880

如果您可以在他们的codeSandBox 示例应用程序上重现它,请重新打开问题。

于 2018-06-10T13:25:17.060 回答