我有一个非常奇怪的问题。我有多个具有几乎相同输入属性的组件实例。当其中一个输入属性更改时,其中一个(下面代码中的第一个“doc-diagnose-form”组件)将被忽略。当输入属性之一发生更改时,所有其他组件实例(使用 *ngFor 创建)将被销毁并重新实例化。这怎么可能发生?
信息:我使用 Angular 6
父组件 .html:
// Component that is not changed
<doc-diagnose-form [pc]="pc" [diagnose]="pc.pdx"
(onChangeDiagnose)="changeDiagnose($event)" (onDeleteDiagnose)="deleteDiagnose($event)">
// Components that become updated
<doc-diagnose-form [pc]="pc" [diagnose]="diagnose" *ngFor="let diagnose of pc.diagnoses"
(onChangeDiagnose)="changeDiagnose($event)" (onDeleteDiagnose)="deleteDiagnose($event)">
父组件 .ts
import { Component, OnInit, Input, Output, EventEmitter, OnChanges, SimpleChanges } from '@angular/core';
import { Diagnose, DiagnoseArray, PatientCase, PrimaryDiagnoseArray } from '../../../models/models';
selector: 'doc-diagnose-list',
templateUrl: './diagnose-list.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./diagnose-list.component.css']
export class DiagnoseListComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges {
@Input() diagnoses?: DiagnoseArray;
@Input() pc?: PatientCase;
@Input() primaryDiagnoses?: PrimaryDiagnoseArray;
@Output() addCoding = new EventEmitter();
@Output() modifyDiagnose = new EventEmitter();
@Output() removeDiagnose = new EventEmitter();
constructor() { }
ngOnInit() {}
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
console.log('OnChanges: ', changes);
changeDiagnose(value): void {
deleteDiagnose(value): void {
编辑: 诊断表单组件如下所示:
import { Component, OnInit, Input, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
import { FormGroup, FormBuilder } from '@angular/forms';
import { PatientCase, Diagnose, CatalogElement} from '../../../models/models';
import { CatalogService } from '../../../services/catalog.service';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { LoggerService } from '../../../services/logger.service';
selector: 'doc-diagnose-form',
templateUrl: './diagnose-form.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./diagnose-form.component.css'],
export class DiagnoseFormComponent implements OnInit {
diagnoseForm: FormGroup;
CATALOG = 'icds';
codeChangeLog: string[] = [];
@Input() pc: PatientCase;
@Input() diagnose: Diagnose;
@Output() onChangeDiagnose = new EventEmitter();
@Output() onDeleteDiagnose = new EventEmitter();
constructor (
private fb: FormBuilder,
private catalogService: CatalogService,
private logger: LoggerService ) {
ngOnInit() {
this.logger.log('OnInit DiagnoseForm');
this.getCatalogElement(this.diagnose).subscribe(success => {
code: this.diagnose.code,
this.diagnose.text = success.text;
this.logger.log('Successfully set initial form values!', success)
}, error => {
this.diagnose.text = 'Ungültige Diagnose!';
this.logger.error('Failed to populate the form!', error);
createForm(): void {
this.diagnoseForm = this.fb.group({
code: '',
logCodeChange(): void {
const codeControl = this.diagnoseForm.get('code');
(value: string) => {
this.logger.log('CodeChangeLog: ', this.codeChangeLog)
isPrimaryDiagnose(): boolean {
return this.pc.all_diagnoses.indexOf(this.diagnose) === 0;
* Retrieves the catalog element that corresponds to the diagnose.
* @param value the diagnose form value to find catalog element
* @returns {Observable<CatalogElement>} a catalog element as observable
getCatalogElement(value: any): Observable<CatalogElement> {
return new Observable(observer => {
this.catalogService.getSingleElementForTypeByCode(this.CATALOG, this.CATALOG_VERSION, value.code).subscribe(
(catalogElement: CatalogElement) => {
error => {
this.logger.error('An error occurred while getting catalog element!', error);
* Removes the diagnose from the diagnose array of the current patient case.
deleteDiagnose(): void {
this.onDeleteDiagnose.emit({diagnose: this.diagnose, isPrimaryDiagnose: this.isPrimaryDiagnose()});
* Saves a new patient case with the updated diagnose array.
saveDiagnose(code: string, text: string): void {
this.onChangeDiagnose.emit({code: code, text: text, oldDiagnose: this.diagnose, isPrimaryDiagnose: this.isPrimaryDiagnose()})
* Updates the current diagnose.
* @param value The diagnose form that contains the code of the diagnose.
updateDiagnose(value: any): void {
if (value.code !== '' && value.code !== this.diagnose.code) {
this.getCatalogElement(value).subscribe(success => {
this.saveDiagnose(success.code, success.text);
this.logger.log('Successfully updated diagnose!', success);
error => {
this.logger.error('An error occurred while update diagnose!', error)