可以这样串流吗?我正在尝试使用 ifstream 阅读并进行转换。

string things = "10 11 12 -10";
int i1;
int i2;
int i3;
int i4;
stringstream into;
into << things;
into >> i1;
into >> i2;
into >> i3;
into >> i4;


i1 = 10
i2 = 11
i3 = 12
i4 = -10



当我尝试时,第一次还可以,但后来一切都只是 0。


5 回答 5



string things = "10 Nawaz 87.87 A";
int i;
std::string s;
float f;
char c;

stringstream into;
into << things;
into >> i >> s >> f >> c; //all are different types!

cout << i <<"  "<< s <<"  "<< f <<"  "<< c;


10 Nawaz 87.87 A

ideone 演示:http ://www.ideone.com/eb0dR

于 2011-02-20T05:24:17.427 回答


istringstream into(things);
into >> i1;


于 2011-02-20T05:18:32.977 回答

您发布的内容与 Jeremiah Willcock 的解决方案一起使用istringstream。但是也可以考虑使用scanf系列函数(对于几个 int 并没有太大的区别,但是对于更高级的输入,使用 scanf 可能比使用流操纵器更简洁):

string things = "10 11 12 -10";
int i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6;
sscanf(things.c_str(), "%d %d %d %d", &i1, &i2, &i3, &i4);

您的示例在此之后仅给出 0 的原因是,stringstream一旦您提取 -10,缓冲区就为空:您必须先在缓冲区中插入更多内容,然后才能提取更多内容。您可以多次使用同一个stringstream实例,但您要么每次都需要完全使用缓冲区,要么意识到在您将下一个项目插入缓冲区之前缓冲区中还有更多内容:

string things = "10 11 12 -10", temp;
int i1, i2, i3, i4;
stringstream into;
into << things; //buffer is now "10 11 12 -10"
into >> i1; //buffer is now " 11 12 -10"
into >> i2; //" 12 -10"
into >> i3; //" -10"
into >> i4; //""

//more code here...

//come back and use the instance again
into << "more: 1 2 3"; //"more: 1 2 3"
into >> temp; //temp is "more:"; into's buffer is " 1 2 3"
into >> i1; //buffer is " 2 3"

//more code here...

//reuse into once again
into << "4 5 6"; // buffer is now " 2 3 4 5 6"
into >> i1; //i1 gets the 2 from before, not the 4 just inserted; buffer now " 3 4 5 6"
into >> i2; //i2==3; buffer is " 4 5 6"


string things = "10 11 12 -10";
int i1, i2, i3, i4;
stringstream into;
into << things;
into >> i1 >> i2 >> i3 >> i4;
if (into >> i5) {
    cout << "extraction to i5 succeeded" << endl;
if (!(into >> i6)) {
    cout << "extraction to i6 failed" << endl;
于 2011-02-20T05:28:37.500 回答

至于你的第二个问题 ,可以多次使用同一个字符串流变量吗?,
可能clearseekof 流在重用之前需要。

int main() {
  string  s = "-1 2";
  stringstream  ss;
  ss << s;
  int i, j;
  ss >> i >> j;
  cout<< i <<' '<< j <<endl;
  ss.seekg( 0 );
  i = j = 0;
  ss >> i >> j;
  cout<< i <<' '<< j <<endl;


于 2011-02-20T14:50:32.787 回答


string things = "10 11 12 -10";
int i1;
int i2;
int i3;
int i4;

stringstream into(things);    // Initialize in the constructor
into >> i1 >> i2 >> i3 >> i4; // Chain the inputs.

注意 linestream 就像一个普通的流,当你读完它的结尾时,它会用完项目并设置失败状态。

stringstream into(things)
int val;
while(into >> val)                   // loop exits after 4 numbers as into.eof() 
{                                    // returns true after trying to read the 5 number.
    std::cout << "G(" << val << ")\n";

例如,在读取具有 4 个数字的多行时,我喜欢执行以下操作:

std::string  line;
while(std::getline(std::cin, line))
     * This way if a line is formatted incorrectly (only 3 numbers)
     * The error is local to the line and we will pick it up in linestream
     * without affecting the scanning of subsequent lines
    std::stringstream linestream(line);

    int i1,i2,i3,i4;
    linestream >> i1 >> i2 >> i3 >> i4;
于 2011-02-20T07:23:30.617 回答