哦,现在我想我有你的问题。我以为只有普通的超链接而不是 Excel 超链接。
pathtofile = "path to .xlsx file"
df1 <- read.xlsx(xlsxFile = pathtofile,
sheet = 1, skipEmptyRows = FALSE,
colNames = F, rowNames = F,
startRow = 1)
## Sheet or Tabelle
Sheet = "Sheet" ## Or "Tabelle"
## Get Names of rows from Hyperlink column
rowIndex <- sub(x = df1[,1], pattern = paste0("(#'",Sheet,"\\d'!)"), replacement = "")
## Get the Sheet, where Hyperlinks are saved
SheetName <- regmatches(df1[,1], regexpr(text = df1[,1], pattern = paste0("(",Sheet,"\\d)")))
## Extract only the Sheet number
SheetIndex <- as.numeric(sub(x = SheetName, pattern = Sheet, replacement = ""))
## Get the row Indexes as numeric
RowIndexNum <- as.numeric(regmatches(rowIndex, regexpr(text = rowIndex, pattern = "\\d")))
## Get the column name as character
RowIndexName <- sub(x = rowIndex, pattern = "\\d", "")
## Create uppercase Letters
myLetters <- toupper(letters[1:26])
## Convert Row Name (character) to numeric (based on alphabetical order)
RowIndexNameNum <- match(RowIndexName, myLetters)
## If Hyperlinks only in 1 Sheet or several sheets
if (length(unique(SheetIndex)) == 1) {
dfLinks <- read.xlsx(xlsxFile = pathtofile,
sheet = unique(SheetIndex),
skipEmptyRows = FALSE,
colNames = F, rowNames = F,
rows = RowIndexNum[1]:tail(RowIndexNum,1),
cols = unique(RowIndexNameNum),
startRow = 1
} else {
dfLinks <- data.frame()
for (i in unique(SheetIndex)){
dfTmp <- read.xlsx(xlsxFile = pathtofile,
sheet = i,
skipEmptyRows = FALSE,
colNames = F, rowNames = F,
rows = RowIndexNum[1]:tail(RowIndexNum,1),
cols = unique(RowIndexNameNum),
startRow = 1)
dfLinks <- rbind(dfLinks, dfTmp)
这是我的 Excel 文件的样子: