我需要一些帮助来了解我们的 Concourse 安装发生了什么。我们有 Concourse 在 AWS EC2 Ubuntu 实例(网络和工作人员)中工作。由于不同的原因,我们需要迁移到一个新的 EC2 实例。问题是在第二个实例中运行的 Concourse 无法访问 GitHub 或 S3 资源。两者的凭据都在管道中,所以我知道它保存在相同的数据库中。会发生什么??
Github 资源错误:
resource script '/opt/resource/check []' failed: exit status 128
Identity added: /tmp/git-resource-private-key (/tmp/git-resource-private-
Cloning into '/tmp/git-resource-repo-cache'...
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
S3 资源错误:
resource script '/opt/resource/check []' failed: exit status 1
[31merror listing files: RequestError: send request failed
caused by: Get https://s3.amazonaws.com/xxxx-bucket?marker=&prefix=pipeline-configurations%2Fmaven%2F: dial tcp: lookup s3.amazonaws.com on [::1]:53: read udp [::1]:45952->[::1]:53: read: connection refused