For few years I have one iOS app that is making around 0.5 - 1$ per day on average, from an interstellar ad that is shown only once (40 seconds after the app is started).

This app was developed in the middle of 2014, updated few times till middle of 2015 and never touched again.

App always had around 500 till 1000 sessions per day, even today.

In AdMob I have noticed that after 28.1.2018, impressions(number of ads shown to the user) have dropped for 99% percent. Literally in one week.

On average I had 200 impressions per day, now I do not have more than 5 per day.

I know this is not the programming question, but did not have any place elsewhere to ask?

Does somebody else also have this problem or some theory what happened ?

I do not care for 0.5$ per day I am curious what happened.

My assumption is that AdMob changed soemthing with an interstellar ad in iOS apps, but did not found anything by googling. Like some official release.


1 回答 1


现在超过 90% 的 iOS 用户已经切换到 iOS 10,其中大约 15% 的用户已经激活了 LAT。因此,预计很快会有五分之一的 iOS 用户成为 LAT 用户。

Apple 的限制广告跟踪 (LAT) 功能的目的是改善用户隐私。这不会阻止广告投放,它会阻止广告使用特定数据来定位用户

对于 adMob,有不同的需求管道

  1. 一种是针对定向广告。广告商根据人口统计数据购买,他们出价 5000 美元向 10000 名 20-25 岁或类似年龄的女性做广告。这是更高的收入和形式,也是更常见的方式。

  2. 我不在乎我向谁做广告,这是 20 美元向 10000 人展示我的广告。这种无针对性的广告类型要便宜得多,但通常对广告商来说效果不佳,因此越来越少见。


于 2018-06-01T09:34:42.563 回答