Currently, I'm trying to make an Android food recognition application. I manage to build an application to process the image and run on the "mobilenet_quant_v1_224.tflite" pretrained model. Everything works fine and now I want to add call of my own to the model to predict.

I do know that TFLITE is still in its preliminary stage, maybe some manage to break the barrier. If so, please help. Any reply/advise/approach would be helpful because I've no idea how to proceed.

Even if there's aren't any way to go around with it, please suggest me a way to achieve the aim of this application.

Link to the trained model : http://download.tensorflow.org/models/mobilenet_v1_2018_02_22/mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_quant.tgz

Really hope to get some help.

Again Thanks in Advance.


1 回答 1


截至目前,TFLite 不支持训练。您可以在 TF 模型上进行迁移学习,然后将迁移学习模型转换为 TFLite。这个TF-for-poets-2-tflite 代码实验室会准确地引导您完成(包括在您的 TF 模型上进行迁移学习的链接)。

于 2018-05-22T16:44:55.487 回答