我只是 Oracle APPS 技术的初学者。我在为特定需求确定合适的 api 时遇到困难让我们说创建一个销售订单。我用谷歌搜索它,我找到了一个名为“oe_order_pub”的包,用于创建销售订单.所以我的问题是如何在多个包中识别合适的包?


1 回答 1


The best place for you to go to is the Electronic Technical Reference Manuals (eTRM) located at etrm.oracle.com. This site outlines all the objects (packages, tables, views, etc.) that are available for Oracle Apps and how to use.

I'd also suggest the Oracle Developer Community which has a lot of Apps-specific problems and resolutions.

To access either site, you'll need an Oracle account (you'll definitely need this if you plan on being an Apps developer).

于 2018-05-22T15:33:12.260 回答