Examples of ffmpeg that I've seen so far all seem to accept a file on disk storage as input, to transcode it into another file in disk storage as output. Also i've come accross ffserver which can be used to stream-out video. However, yet to find a good tutorial or example of ffmpeg used to transcode streaming video/audio, constrained by say parameters like running-time or no. of frames or other event, and save the transcoded media on disk.

Any pointers, tips or hints would really help.


1 回答 1


经过大量研究,我得出的结论是,Gstreamer 是执行此操作的理想机制(带有一些工具和库的框架)。它允许我从“转码”活动(帧速率控制、重新编码、帧大小修改等)中做几乎所有我想做的事情,还允许我重新流式传输并存储到磁盘。

虽然框架希望以编程方式完成此操作,但一组命令行工具也允许创建转换管道,这非常直观。有不错的文档,尽管肯定有很大改进的余地。最好的部分是,它允许调用多个第三方库作为插件,例如用于音频和视频的 ffmpeg 和效果插件。

于 2011-09-08T11:29:42.450 回答