I am still grasping go-interfaces and I can mock the WaitUntilTableExists func. But unable to mock PutItemRequest.
Here's my main.go snippet
func MyPutItem(d mydata, client dynamodbiface.DynamoDBAPI) error {
input := &dynamodb.PutItemInput{
req := client.PutItemRequest(input)
result, err := req.Send()
return err
main_test.go snippet
type mockDynamoDBClient struct {
func (m *mockDynamoDBClient) PutItemRequest(input *dynamodb.PutItemInput) dynamodb.PutItemRequest {
// Most probably this is where I need your help
func TestStoreInDynamoDB(t *testing.T) {
var mockClient = new(mockDynamoDBClient)
d := mydata{}
result := DynampDBPutItem(d, mockClient)