我目前正在开发一个使用 OpenSeadragon 的查看器,以及用于添加裁剪工具的 Picturae 选择插件。
var selection = viewer.selection({
element: null, // html element to use for overlay
showSelectionControl: true, // show button to toggle selection mode
toggleButton: null, // dom element to use as toggle button
showConfirmDenyButtons: true,
styleConfirmDenyButtons: true,
returnPixelCoordinates: true,
keyboardShortcut: 'c', // key to toggle selection mode
rect: null, // initial selection as an OpenSeadragon.SelectionRect object
startRotated: false, // alternative method for drawing the selection; useful for rotated crops
startRotatedHeight: 0.1, // only used if startRotated=true; value is relative to image height
restrictToImage: true, // true = do not allow any part of the selection to be outside the image
onSelection: function(rect) { viewer_crop_download(rect); },
cancel : function(){ viewer_crop_disable(); },
prefixUrl: PREFIX_URL,
selection: {
REST: 'selection_rest.png',
GROUP: 'selection_grouphover.png',
HOVER: 'selection_hover.png',
DOWN: 'selection_pressed.png'
selectionConfirm: {
REST: 'selection_confirm_rest.png',
GROUP: 'selection_confirm_grouphover.png',
HOVER: 'selection_confirm_hover.png',
DOWN: 'selection_confirm_pressed.png'
selectionCancel: {
REST: 'selection_cancel_rest.png',
GROUP: 'selection_cancel_grouphover.png',
HOVER: 'selection_cancel_hover.png',
DOWN: 'selection_cancel_pressed.png'
开放海龙: https ://openseadragon.github.io
图片选择插件: https ://picturae.github.io/openseadragonselection/
谢谢 !