002 0000 A C 00:00:20:01 00:00:31:23 00:01:29:24 00:01:41:21
Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "C (\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}) (\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})"
matches = re.Execute(prev)
现在我有 2 个子匹配需要对其执行算术运算。
我希望将时间码转换为每秒 25 帧:
- 第一对是小时到帧时基 (25fps) 1 小时 = 1*60*(60*25) = 9000
- 第二对是分钟到帧时基 (25fps) 1 分钟 = 1*(60*25) = 1500
- 第三对是秒到帧时基 (25fps) 1 秒 = 1*25f
编辑 这就是我最终得到的。我必须找到以“秒”为单位返回答案的时间值之间的差异(datediff),然后我将其转换为带有时间序列的时间格式。但它附加了一个 AM/PM 时钟,所以我将脚本区域设置为德国,这会关闭 AM/PM 后缀。
Option Explicit
'change system location to Germany, to simulate 24hour clock *no AM PM time
setlocale "de-de"
'TBA read whole data doc to grab the NameDetails and TC
Dim TC
'temporary data set, I will need to send each line to this search
TC ="002 0000 A C 00:00:20:01 00:00:23:23 00:01:29:24 00:01:41:21"
'Define search terms for each timecode element *this is not a result yet
Dim re1
re1 =".*?" 'Non-greedy match on filler
Dim re2
re2 ="((?:(?:[0-1][0-9])|(?:[2][0-3])|(?:[0-9])):(?:[0-5][0-9])(?::[0-5][0-9])?(?:\s?(?:am|AM|pm|PM))?)" 'HourMinuteSec 1
Dim re3
re3 =".*?" 'Non-greedy match on filler
Dim re4
re4 ="((?:(?:[0-1][0-9])|(?:[2][0-3])|(?:[0-9])):(?:[0-5][0-9])(?::[0-5][0-9])?(?:\s?(?:am|AM|pm|PM))?)" 'HourMinuteSec 2
Dim re5
re5 =".*?" 'Non-greedy match on filler
Dim re6
re6 ="((?:(?:[0-1][0-9])|(?:[2][0-3])|(?:[0-9])):(?:[0-5][0-9])(?::[0-5][0-9])?(?:\s?(?:am|AM|pm|PM))?)" 'HourMinuteSec 3
Dim re7
re7 =".*?" 'Non-greedy match on filler
Dim re8
re8 ="((?:(?:[0-1][0-9])|(?:[2][0-3])|(?:[0-9])):(?:[0-5][0-9])(?::[0-5][0-9])?(?:\s?(?:am|AM|pm|PM))?)" 'HourMinuteSec 4
'add timecode search terms to a search pattern
Dim r
Set r = New RegExp
r.Pattern = re1+re2+re3+re4+re5+re6+re7+re8
r.IgnoreCase = True
Dim m, timeDur, ts, Timeofday
Set m = r.Execute(TC)
'loop through timecodes to find duration between first 2 entries
If m.Item(0).SubMatches.Count > 0 Then
Dim time1
Dim time2
Dim time3
Dim time4
'find duration/difference between first 2 times, in seconds
timeDur=datediff("s", time1, time2)
'format result to a serial time format eg. 00:00:00
ts = TimeSerial(0, 0, timeDur)
'print duration result, will need to append track info and repeat. Then save to file
MsgBox (ts)
End If