?- say([the, capital, of, switzerland, is, bern]). 
Thank you. 
?- say([the, capital, of, switzerland, is, bern]). 
I already know that. 
?- say([the, capital, of, switzerland, is, zurich]). 
No, you said the capital of switzerland is bern. 
?- say([the, capital, of, france, is, bern]). 
No, you said bern is the capital of switzerland. 
?- say([the, capital, of, What, is, bern]). 
What = switzerland. 
?- say([the, capital, of, switzerland, is, What]). 
What = Bern. 

最后两个很简单,我使用 say([the, capital, of , switzerland, is, bern])。但是如何让Prolog输出 谢谢而不是真的?那么其他句子呢?非常感谢。


:- dynamic say/1.
say([the, capital, of, switzerland, is, bern]) :- write('Thank you').
say([the, capital, of, switzerland, is, bern]) :- write('I already know that.').
say([the, capital, of, switzerland, is, X]):-
    X\==bern, write('No, you said the capital of switzerland is bern.').
say([the, capital, of, X, is, bern]):-
    X\==switzerland, write('No, you said bern is the capital of switzerland.').

1 回答 1


我认为练习的重点不是让程序在输入句子 [the, capital, of, switzerland, is, bern] 时说“谢谢”,而是使用变量、断言和查询来实现学习和回忆事情,做一些隐约聪明的事情。

你的规则的头部应该是这样的say([the, capital, of, Subj, is, Obj]),whereSubjObj是该关系的主语和宾语的变量,这样你的规则就可以匹配多个句子。


:- dynamic capital/2.

您将使用assertz(capital(a, b)).在知识库中插入一个事实,并capital(X, Y)对其进行查询。


say([the, capital, of, Subj, is, Obj]) :-
    ground((Subj, Obj)),
    \+ capital(Subj, Obj), !,
    assertz(capital(Subj, Obj)),
    write([thank, you]).


say([the, capital, of, Subj, is, Obj]) :-
    ground((Subj, Obj)),
    capital(Subj, Obj), !,
    write([i, already, know, that]).


say([the, capital, of, Subj, is, Obj]) :-
    ground((Subj, Obj)),
    capital(Subj, Obj1),
    Obj1 \= Obj, !,
    write([no, you, said, the, capital, of, Subj, is, Obj1]).

say([the, capital, of, Subj, is, Obj]) :-
    ground((Subj, Obj)),
    capital(Subj1, Obj),
    Subj1 \= Subj, !,
    write([no, you, said, Obj, is, the, capital, of, Subj1]).


say([the, capital, of, Subj, is, Obj]) :-
    (var(Subj) ; var(Obj)),
    capital(Subj, Obj), !,
    write([the, capital, of, Subj, is, Obj]).

请注意,由于程序使用了 cut ( !) 和assertz/1,因此规则的顺序很重要。更改顺序会产生不正确的结果。


:- dynamic capital/2.

say([the, capital, of, Subj, is, Obj]) :-
    ground((Subj, Obj)),
    capital(Subj, Obj1),
    Obj1 \= Obj, !,
    write([no, you, said, the, capital, of, Subj, is, Obj1]).

say([the, capital, of, Subj, is, Obj]) :-
    ground((Subj, Obj)),
    capital(Subj1, Obj),
    Subj1 \= Subj, !,
    write([no, you, said, Obj, is, the, capital, of, Subj1]).

say([the, capital, of, Subj, is, Obj]) :-
    ground((Subj, Obj)),
    \+ capital(Subj, Obj), !,
    assertz(capital(Subj, Obj)),
    write([thank, you]).

say([the, capital, of, Subj, is, Obj]) :-
    ground((Subj, Obj)),
    capital(Subj, Obj), !,
    write([i, already, know, that]).

say([the, capital, of, Subj, is, Obj]) :-
    (var(Subj) ; var(Obj)),
    capital(Subj, Obj), !,
    write([the, capital, of, Subj, is, Obj]).


?- say([the, capital, of, switzerland, is, bern]).

?- say([the, capital, of, switzerland, is, bern]).

?- say([the, capital, of, switzerland, is, zurich]).

?- say([the, capital, of, france, is, bern]).

?- say([the, capital, of, What, is, bern]).
What = switzerland.

?- say([the, capital, of, switzerland, is, What]).
What = bern.
于 2018-05-16T16:42:04.620 回答