I am trying to build nuxeo source code & noticing below build issue. I noticed similar reported issue here. Has anyone faced similar issue?

Build error: [exec] Transform Dart2JS on nuxeo_api_playground|web/index.web_components.bootstrap.dart threw error: type 'PrefixElementX' is not a subtype of type 'MemberEntity' in type cast where

An Ant BuildException has occured: The following error occurred while executing this line: [ERROR] /Users/kalava/Documents/Work/DAM/NuxeoOpenSource/nuxeo/addons/nuxeo-api-playground/src/main/dart/build.xml:9: exec returned: 65 [ERROR] around Ant part ...... @ 4:278 in /Users/kalava/Documents/Work/DAM/NuxeoOpenSource/nuxeo/addons/nuxeo-api-playground/target/antrun/build-main.xml


1 回答 1


您是否有正确的 Dart 版本,如https://doc.nuxeo.com/corg/installing-dart-and-related-tools/中所述?目前 Nuxeo 构建需要 Dart 1.23.x。

于 2018-05-12T15:51:57.730 回答