
我正在使用 F# 和 WebSharper(我对这两种技术都不熟悉)

我定义了一些端点(在添加 NotFound 端点之前我有工作代码)

type EndPoint =
    | [<EndPoint "/">] Home
    | [<EndPoint "/login">] Login
    | [<EndPoint "/about">] About
    | [<EndPoint "/logout">] Logout

    // trying to make a catch-all page handler
    | [<EndPoint "/"; Wildcard>] NotFound of string 
let HomePage ctx =
    Templating.Main ctx EndPoint.Home "Home" [
        // page stuff

let LoginPage ctx =
    Templating.Main ctx EndPoint.Login "Login" [
        h1 [] [text "Login Here"]
        div [] [client <@ Client.LoginWidget() @>]

// other page constructs
let MissingPage ctx path =
    Templating.Main ctx EndPoint.About "Page Not Found" [
        h1 [] [text "404"]
        p [] [text "The requested page could not be found"]
        p [] [text path]
let Main =
    Application.MultiPage (fun ctx endpoint ->
        match endpoint with
        | EndPoint.Home -> HomePage ctx
        | EndPoint.About -> AboutPage ctx
        | EndPoint.Login -> LoginPage ctx
        | EndPoint.Logout -> 
            async {
                // call server-side code to log the user out
                // what would i do here to redirect the user to the /login 
                // page
        | EndPoint.NotFound path -> MissingPage ctx path

添加 NotFound 端点会弄乱我的其他页面,例如,我的主页开始由 MissingPage 处理程序处理。我可以理解,因为主页设置为匹配“/”并且非模式匹配“/”通配符,尽管我希望单个 / 匹配 Home 端点以及除 /Login /About 之外的任何其他内容和/Logout 以匹配 NotFound 分支。但很明显,我没有正确理解某些东西。


当我有 NotFound 处理代码时,另一件搞砸的事情是登录处理程序不再处理

div [] [client <@ Client.LoginWidget() @>]

最后,在 Logout 处理程序中,我想调用一些服务器端代码(没问题),但是我应该怎么做才能重定向到新网页,例如,将用户发送回 /login 页面?



1 回答 1


以下是基于 websharper.com 上的 Loïc 传递给我的内容,在此处添加以防对其他人有帮助。

需要第一个 Web.config

<httpErrors errorMode="Custom">
  <remove statusCode="404"/>
  <error statusCode="404" responseMode="ExecuteURL" path="/notfound"/>

type EndPoint = 
... other end points
| [<EndPoint "/notfound"; Wildcard>] NotFound of string

let Main =
    Application.MultiPage (fun ctx endpoint ->
        match endpoint with
        // handle other endpoints
        // Handle none existant paths
        | EndPoint.NotFound _ ->
            // Parse the original URI from ASP.NET's rewrite, in case you need it
            let requestedUri =
                let q = ctx.RequestUri.Query
                let q = q.[q.IndexOf(';') + 1 ..]
                match System.Uri.TryCreate(q, System.UriKind.Absolute) with
                // The request was to /notfound/... directly
                | false, _ -> ctx.RequestUri
                // The request was to a non-existent path, and rewritten by ASP.NET
                | true, uri -> uri

          Content.Text (sprintf "Unknown URI: %A" requestedUri)
          |> Content.SetStatus Http.Status.NotFound

于 2018-05-14T04:06:38.957 回答