我试图在我的查询中清除'null',但运行它时仍然出现错误,一直告诉我'cannot cast'' to bigint,有什么办法可以解决它吗?
select m.app, m.hour,m.user_id,
m.avg_minutes_watched, n.userid, n.watched_mins, n.active FROM
(SELECT app,
substr(hour,1,8) hour,
CAST(COALESCE(json_extract_scalar(json, '$.user_id'), '-999999') as BigInt) user_id,
CAST(COALESCE(json_extract_scalar(json, '$.playback_time'), '-999999') as BigInt) /60000 avg_minutes_watched
FROM prod
WHERE event_type = 'user_session_complete' AND hour > '20180331' and hour < '20180501')m
left join
(select userid, watched/60000 watched_mins,
(case when watched/60000 >= 2 then 'active' else 'not_active' end) active from est where realdate > '2018-03-31' and realdate < '2018-05-01') n
on m.user_id = n.userid
order by m.hour, m.user_id;
Query 20180510_220127_17857_bxg5s, FAILED, 72 nodes
Splits: 5,178 total, 644 done (12.44%)
0:04 [39.2M rows, 1.93GB] [9.32M rows/s, 469MB/s]
查询 20180510_220127_17857_bxg5s 失败:无法将 '' 转换为 BIGINT