我的 Cordova 应用程序在 Galaxy 设备上运行良好大约两年了。出于某种原因,我们的 Galaxy 用户更新到 Android 8.0 或更高版本后,应用程序会在收到触摸事件后随机冻结。这只发生在将应用程序从后台带到前台时。我创建了一个调试报告,可以看到应用程序控制台没有显示任何错误。有人对如何修复此 ANR 或如何调试它有任何想法吗?
Play 商店的 ANR 和崩溃部分的错误说明如下:
输入调度超时(等待发送非键事件,因为触摸窗口尚未完成对 500.0 多毫秒前传递给它的某些输入事件的处理。等待队列长度:4。等待队列头年龄:21951.5 毫秒。)
这是错误报告中的 dumpsys 活动 lastanr:
ACTIVITY MANAGER ACTIVITIES (dumpsys activity lastanr)
ANR time: May 3, 2018 2:09:59 PM
Reason: Waiting to send non-key event because the touched window has not finished processing certain input events that were delivered to it over 500.0ms ago. Wait queue length: 10. Wait queue head age: 35192.4ms.
mLastStartActivityTimeMs=May 3, 2018 2:09:12 PM
packageName=com.android.systemui processName=com.android.systemui
launchedFromUid=10006 launchedFromPackage=com.android.systemui userId=0
app=ProcessRecord{a0e12d3 2203:com.android.systemui/u0a6}
Intent { flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity }
frontOfTask=true task=TaskRecord{6829b6fd0 #12289 A=com.android.systemui U=0 StackId=5 sz=1}
stateNotNeeded=true componentSpecified=true mActivityType=2
compat={480dpi} labelRes=0x7f120991 icon=0x7f080362 theme=0x7f130102
mGlobalConfig={0 1.0 themeSeq = 0 showBtnBg = 0 310mcc410mnc [en_US] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h668dp 480dpi nrml long hdr port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2076) s.11 mkbd/h desktop/d ?dc}
mOverrideConfig={0 1.0 themeSeq = 0 showBtnBg = 0 310mcc410mnc [en_US] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h668dp 480dpi nrml long hdr port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2076) s.11 mkbd/h desktop/d ?dc}
CurrentConfiguration={0 1.0 themeSeq = 0 showBtnBg = 0 310mcc410mnc [en_US] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h668dp 480dpi nrml long hdr port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2076) s.13 mkbd/h desktop/d ?dc}
taskDescription: iconFilename=null label="null" primaryColor=ff212121
launchFailed=false launchCount=0 lastLaunchTime=-3h5m33s450ms
haveState=false icicle=null
state=PAUSED stopped=false delayedResume=false finishing=false
keysPaused=false inHistory=true visible=false sleeping=false idle=true mStartingWindowState=STARTING_WINDOW_NOT_SHOWN
fullscreen=true noDisplay=false immersive=false launchMode=3
frozenBeforeDestroy=false forceNewConfig=false
waitingVisible=true nowVisible=true lastVisibleTime=-46s329ms
mLastReportedMultiWindowMode=false mLastReportedPictureInPictureMode=false
multiScreenAttrs=MultiScreenAttrs, mBaseDisplayId=0, mBaseActivity=false}
packageName=com.sec.android.app.launcher processName=com.sec.android.app.launcher
launchedFromUid=0 launchedFromPackage=null userId=0
app=ProcessRecord{f44f680 3633:com.sec.android.app.launcher/u0a86}
Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10800100 cmp=com.sec.android.app.launcher/.activities.LauncherActivity bnds=[231,1101][430,1396] }
frontOfTask=true task=TaskRecord{544fb3fd0 #12283 I=com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.android.launcher3.Launcher U=0 StackId=0 sz=1}
stateNotNeeded=true componentSpecified=false mActivityType=1
compat={480dpi} labelRes=0x7f090025 icon=0x7f0200d6 theme=0x7f0f0027
mGlobalConfig={0 1.0 themeSeq = 0 showBtnBg = 0 310mcc410mnc [en_US] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h668dp 480dpi nrml long hdr port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2076) s.9 mkbd/h desktop/d ?dc}
mOverrideConfig={0 1.0 themeSeq = 0 showBtnBg = 0 310mcc410mnc [en_US] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h668dp 480dpi nrml long hdr port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2076) s.9 mkbd/h desktop/d ?dc}
CurrentConfiguration={0 1.0 themeSeq = 0 showBtnBg = 0 310mcc410mnc [en_US] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h668dp 480dpi nrml long hdr port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2076) s.13 mkbd/h desktop/d ?dc}
taskDescription: iconFilename=null label="null" primaryColor=ff51b0d3
launchFailed=false launchCount=0 lastLaunchTime=-3h41m49s87ms
haveState=true icicle=Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=22812]
state=STOPPED stopped=true delayedResume=false finishing=false
keysPaused=false inHistory=true visible=false sleeping=false idle=true mStartingWindowState=STARTING_WINDOW_NOT_SHOWN
fullscreen=true noDisplay=false immersive=false launchMode=2
frozenBeforeDestroy=false forceNewConfig=false
waitingVisible=false nowVisible=false lastVisibleTime=-13m39s663ms
mLastReportedMultiWindowMode=false mLastReportedPictureInPictureMode=false
multiScreenAttrs=MultiScreenAttrs, mBaseDisplayId=0, mBaseActivity=false}
packageName=com.android.systemui processName=com.android.systemui
launchedFromUid=10006 launchedFromPackage=com.android.systemui userId=0
Intent { flg=0x10c04000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity }
frontOfTask=false task=TaskRecord{6829b6fd0 #12289 A=com.android.systemui U=0 StackId=5 sz=1}
stateNotNeeded=true componentSpecified=true mActivityType=2
compat=null labelRes=0x7f120991 icon=0x7f080362 theme=0x7f130102
mGlobalConfig={0 1.0 themeSeq = 0 showBtnBg = 0 310mcc410mnc [en_US] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h668dp 480dpi nrml long hdr port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2076) s.13 mkbd/h desktop/d ?dc}
mOverrideConfig={0 0.0 themeSeq = 0 showBtnBg = -1 ?mcc?mnc ?localeList ?layoutDir ?swdp ?wdp ?hdp ?density ?lsize ?long ?ldr ?wideColorGamut ?orien ?uimode ?night ?touch ?keyb/?/? ?nav/? mkbd/? desktop/? ?dc}
CurrentConfiguration={0 1.0 themeSeq = 0 showBtnBg = 0 310mcc410mnc [en_US] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h668dp 480dpi nrml long hdr port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2076) s.13 mkbd/h desktop/d ?dc}
pendingOptions=ActivityOptions(228770256), mPackageName=com.android.systemui, mAnimationType=9, mStartX=0, mStartY=0, mWidth=0, mHeight=0
launchFailed=false launchCount=0 lastLaunchTime=0
haveState=true icicle=null
state=INITIALIZING stopped=false delayedResume=false finishing=false
keysPaused=false inHistory=false visible=false sleeping=false idle=false mStartingWindowState=STARTING_WINDOW_NOT_SHOWN
fullscreen=true noDisplay=false immersive=false launchMode=3
frozenBeforeDestroy=false forceNewConfig=false
mLastReportedMultiWindowMode=false mLastReportedPictureInPictureMode=false
multiScreenAttrs=MultiScreenAttrs, mBaseDisplayId=0, mBaseActivity=false}
mIntent=Intent { flg=0x10c04000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity }
mLaunchSingleTop=false mLaunchSingleInstance=true mLaunchSingleTask=false mLaunchFlags=0x10804000 mDoResume=true mAddingToTask=false
这是围绕它正在等待的触摸事件的日志中的一个块。它挂起的触摸事件发生在5-03 14:09:23.836
05-03 14:09:19.687 1041 964 28776 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setStreamVolumeIndex() stream 8, device 00000002, index 3
05-03 14:09:19.694 1000 1518 2360 I EDMNativeHelperService: isAVRCPProfileEnabled
05-03 14:09:19.697 1000 1518 2360 D BluetoothSecureManagerService: isSecureModeEnabled
05-03 14:09:19.697 1000 1518 2360 D BluetoothSecureManagerService: getSecureModeSetting, name: secure_mode_enable
05-03 14:09:19.701 1002 2165 2895 V Avrcp : sendPlaybackStatus : 2
05-03 14:09:20.188 1002 2165 2889 D A2dpStateMachine: isDualPlayEnabled : false
05-03 14:09:20.192 1002 2165 2889 D A2dpStateMachine: isDualPlayEnabled : false
05-03 14:09:20.513 1000 992 1143 I LocSvc_ApiV02: <--- globalEventCb line 162 QMI_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_IND_V02
05-03 14:09:20.576 1000 992 1143 I LocSvc_ApiV02: <--- globalEventCb line 162 QMI_LOC_EVENT_GNSS_SV_INFO_IND_V02
05-03 14:09:20.578 1000 992 3854 I LocSvc_libulp: ulp_brain_process_gnss_sv_report, gnss sv report cnt = 1180, gnss pos report cnt = 12,strong sv cnt = 0
05-03 14:09:20.579 1000 1518 8953 D GnssLocationProvider_ex: SV Count : 2 (PRN, Constellation, SNR, Used)
05-03 14:09:20.580 1000 1518 8953 D GnssLocationProvider_ex: (6, GPS, 18.3, 0) (22, GLONASS, 16.6, 0)
05-03 14:09:20.672 1000 1518 2548 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10251 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[LTE] - MOBILE, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: nxtgenphone, failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: true]
05-03 14:09:20.918 1000 1518 1518 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 1518 / 1000 / 1518
05-03 14:09:20.922 u0_a6 2203 2610 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 21 -104 -17 -34 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x4000 P gsm|lte level=4
05-03 14:09:20.923 u0_a6 2203 2610 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): getMobileIconGroup(): 13
05-03 14:09:20.923 u0_a6 2203 2610 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): updateATTMobileIconGroup(): 13
05-03 14:09:20.939 10093 3507 15037 I EventLogSendingHelper: Sending log events.
05-03 14:09:21.514 1000 992 1143 I LocSvc_ApiV02: <--- globalEventCb line 162 QMI_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_IND_V02
05-03 14:09:21.576 1000 992 1143 I LocSvc_ApiV02: <--- globalEventCb line 162 QMI_LOC_EVENT_GNSS_SV_INFO_IND_V02
05-03 14:09:21.577 1000 992 3854 I LocSvc_libulp: ulp_brain_process_gnss_sv_report, gnss sv report cnt = 1181, gnss pos report cnt = 12,strong sv cnt = 0
05-03 14:09:21.578 1000 1518 8953 D GnssLocationProvider_ex: SV Count : 2 (PRN, Constellation, SNR, Used)
05-03 14:09:21.578 1000 1518 8953 D GnssLocationProvider_ex: (6, GPS, 18.3, 0) (22, GLONASS, 16.7, 0)
05-03 14:09:21.619 1041 964 28577 W libutils.threads: Thread (this=0xe98b4730): don't call waitForExit() from this Thread object's thread. It's a guaranteed deadlock!
05-03 14:09:21.754 1000 1518 1900 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10069 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[LTE] - MOBILE, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: nxtgenphone, failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: true]
05-03 14:09:21.818 1000 1518 1900 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10069 pid :11770 / op:PendingIntent{f871447: PendingIntentRecord{a9b7474 com.samsung.android.email.provider startService}}
05-03 14:09:22.154 1000 1518 1518 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 1518 / 1000 / 1518
05-03 14:09:22.157 u0_a6 2203 2610 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 22 -104 -17 -32 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x4000 P gsm|lte level=4
05-03 14:09:22.157 u0_a6 2203 2610 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): getMobileIconGroup(): 13
05-03 14:09:22.158 u0_a6 2203 2610 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): updateATTMobileIconGroup(): 13
05-03 14:09:22.329 1000 1518 2291 E Watchdog: !@Sync 442 [2018-05-03 14:09:22.328]
05-03 14:09:22.515 1000 992 1143 I LocSvc_ApiV02: <--- globalEventCb line 162 QMI_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_IND_V02
05-03 14:09:22.577 1000 992 1143 I LocSvc_ApiV02: <--- globalEventCb line 162 QMI_LOC_EVENT_GNSS_SV_INFO_IND_V02
05-03 14:09:22.578 1000 992 3854 I LocSvc_libulp: ulp_brain_process_gnss_sv_report, gnss sv report cnt = 1182, gnss pos report cnt = 12,strong sv cnt = 0
05-03 14:09:22.580 1000 1518 2141 D GnssLocationProvider_ex: SV Count : 2 (PRN, Constellation, SNR, Used)
05-03 14:09:22.580 1000 1518 2141 D GnssLocationProvider_ex: (6, GPS, 15.9, 0) (22, GLONASS, 17.3, 0)
05-03 14:09:22.779 1000 1518 7168 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.bridgehaul.app
05-03 14:09:22.780 1000 1518 7168 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.bridgehaul.app
05-03 14:09:23.206 1000 1518 2360 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10251 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[LTE] - MOBILE, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: nxtgenphone, failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: true]
05-03 14:09:23.371 1000 634 888 I SensorsGrip: GripSensor: grip data = 2
05-03 14:09:23.375 1000 1518 1518 D MotionRecognitionService: cable disconnected
05-03 14:09:23.375 1000 1518 1518 D MotionRecognitionService: == >> GripVal = 0
05-03 14:09:23.375 1000 1518 1518 I MotionRecognitionService: GripWifi disabled
05-03 14:09:23.375 1000 1518 1518 D MotionRecognitionService: clear SAR_DEVICE_GRIP
05-03 14:09:23.376 1000 1518 1822 E MotionRecognitionService: handleMessage: event 200 value : 1
05-03 14:09:23.397 1000 1518 1822 D MotionRecognitionService: clear TransmitPower value : 1
05-03 14:09:23.397 1000 1518 1822 D MotionRecognitionService: clear TransmitPower value : 1
05-03 14:09:23.514 1000 992 1143 I LocSvc_ApiV02: <--- globalEventCb line 162 QMI_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_IND_V02
05-03 14:09:23.575 1000 992 1143 I LocSvc_ApiV02: <--- globalEventCb line 162 QMI_LOC_EVENT_GNSS_SV_INFO_IND_V02
05-03 14:09:23.576 1000 992 3854 I LocSvc_libulp: ulp_brain_process_gnss_sv_report, gnss sv report cnt = 1183, gnss pos report cnt = 12,strong sv cnt = 0
05-03 14:09:23.577 1000 1518 2142 D GnssLocationProvider_ex: SV Count : 2 (PRN, Constellation, SNR, Used)
05-03 14:09:23.577 1000 1518 2142 D GnssLocationProvider_ex: (6, GPS, 15.9, 0) (22, GLONASS, 17.3, 0)
05-03 14:09:23.836 1000 1518 1881 D InputReader: Input event(10): value=1 when=13299900020000
05-03 14:09:23.836 1000 1518 1881 D InputReader: Input event(10): value=1 when=13299900020000
05-03 14:09:23.836 1000 1518 1881 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.1074 ] when=13299900020000
05-03 14:09:23.837 1000 1518 1880 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (2203): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
05-03 14:09:23.837 1000 1518 1880 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (2203): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
05-03 14:09:23.837 1000 1518 1880 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (29407): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
05-03 14:09:23.902 1000 1518 1518 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 1518 / 1000 / 1518
05-03 14:09:23.904 u0_a6 2203 2610 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 21 -104 -16 -28 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x4000 P gsm|lte level=4
05-03 14:09:23.904 u0_a6 2203 2610 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): getMobileIconGroup(): 13
05-03 14:09:23.904 u0_a6 2203 2610 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): updateATTMobileIconGroup(): 13
05-03 14:09:23.910 1000 1518 1881 D InputReader: Input event(10): value=0 when=13299974522000
05-03 14:09:23.910 1000 1518 1881 D InputReader: Input event(10): value=0 when=13299974522000
05-03 14:09:23.910 1000 1518 1881 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=13299974522000
05-03 14:09:23.911 1000 1518 1880 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (29407): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
05-03 14:09:23.990 1000 1518 1543 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{68de48d u0 com.duapps.recorder/com.duapps.screen.recorder.DaemonService}
05-03 14:09:24.109 1000 3014 3014 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 1110284 44014520 w 235798 3154636 d 18435 624760 f 80322 85410 iot 767270 577539 th 194788 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 13300.172
05-03 14:09:24.158 1000 1518 1543 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{6074b90 u0 com.duapps.recorder/com.duapps.screen.recorder.DuJobService}
05-03 14:09:24.197 1000 1518 1900 D BatteryService: !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged!
05-03 14:09:24.198 1000 1518 1900 D BatteryService: level:69, scale:100, status:3, health:2, present:true, voltage: 3915, temperature: 275, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:false, POGO powered:false, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303827, invalid charger:0, maxChargingCurrent:0, maxChargingVoltage:0, chargeCounter:2003728
05-03 14:09:24.198 1000 1518 1900 D BatteryService: online:1, current avg:-819, charge type:0, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, batterySWSelfDischarging:false, misc_event:0, current_event:64, current_now:-278
05-03 14:09:24.198 1000 1518 1518 D BatteryService: Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED.
05-03 14:09:24.202 1000 1518 1518 I MotionRecognitionService: On Battery, 0
05-03 14:09:24.202 1000 1518 1518 I MotionRecognitionService: disconnected - grip enable
05-03 14:09:24.202 1000 1518 1518 D SensorManager: registerListener fail :: 27, SX9320 Grip Sensor, 200000, 0,
05-03 14:09:24.202 1000 1518 1518 D MotionRecognitionService: mCableConnection= 0
05-03 14:09:24.202 1000 1518 1518 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level :: 69, battStatus :: 3
05-03 14:09:24.205 u0_a6 2203 2203 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
05-03 14:09:24.206 1000 1518 1550 D UsbDeviceManager: handleMessage -> MSG_UPDATE_CHARGING_STATE = 0
05-03 14:09:24.208 1002 2165 2165 V HeadsetService: Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED
05-03 14:09:24.210 1002 2165 2886 D HeadsetStateMachine: Connected process message: 10, size: 1
05-03 14:09:24.210 u0_a6 2203 2203 D BatteryController: onReceive-ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : mLevel=69, mBatteryStatus=3
05-03 14:09:24.210 1000 2506 2677 D EPDG -- SIM0 [EpdgSubScription]: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED intent received.
05-03 14:09:24.211 u0_a6 2203 2203 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 0 mPlugType = 0
05-03 14:09:24.215 u0_a6 2203 2610 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): onDataActivity: direction=3
05-03 14:09:24.215 10100 23485 23485 D BatteryManager: ***Receiving Battery Change 69.0% ***
05-03 14:09:24.216 1000 2506 2677 D EPDG -- SIM0 [EpdgSubScription]: onDataActivity: direction=3
05-03 14:09:24.216 10100 23485 23485 D BatteryManager: ***Receiving Battery Change1 0.69% ***
05-03 14:09:24.216 10100 23485 23485 D BatteryManager: ***Receiving Battery Change2 0.15% ***
05-03 14:09:24.216 10100 23485 23485 D BatteryManager: ***Receiving Battery Change3 false% ***
05-03 14:09:24.244 u0_a6 2203 2203 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false )
05-03 14:09:24.382 1000 1518 1518 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 1518 / 1000 / 1518
05-03 14:09:24.384 u0_a6 2203 2610 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 21 -105 -16 -24 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x4000 P gsm|lte level=4
05-03 14:09:24.384 u0_a6 2203 2610 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): getMobileIconGroup(): 13
05-03 14:09:24.384 u0_a6 2203 2610 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): updateATTMobileIconGroup(): 13
05-03 14:09:24.515 1000 992 1143 I LocSvc_ApiV02: <--- globalEventCb line 162 QMI_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_IND_V02
05-03 14:09:24.576 1000 992 1143 I LocSvc_ApiV02: <--- globalEventCb line 162 QMI_LOC_EVENT_GNSS_SV_INFO_IND_V02
05-03 14:09:24.576 1000 992 3854 I LocSvc_libulp: ulp_brain_process_gnss_sv_report, gnss sv report cnt = 1184, gnss pos report cnt = 12,strong sv cnt = 0
05-03 14:09:24.577 1000 1518 2141 D GnssLocationProvider_ex: SV Count : 2 (PRN, Constellation, SNR, Used)
05-03 14:09:24.577 1000 1518 2141 D GnssLocationProvider_ex: (6, GPS, 15.9, 0) (22, GLONASS, 17.3, 0)
05-03 14:09:24.657 1000 1518 2548 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10251 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[LTE] - MOBILE, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: nxtgenphone, failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: true]
05-03 14:09:24.819 5004 19572 19647 I ReschedulableTimer: [#CMH#] ReschedulableTimer started
05-03 14:09:25.110 1000 1518 7168 D SSRM:t : SIOP:: AP = 330, PST = 289 (W:15), BAT = 275, USB = 274, CHG = 309, CP = 301
05-03 14:09:25.222 1000 2506 2677 D EPDG -- SIM0 [EpdgSubScription]: onDataActivity: direction=1
05-03 14:09:25.222 u0_a6 2203 2610 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): onDataActivity: direction=1
05-03 14:09:25.514 1000 992 1143 I LocSvc_ApiV02: <--- globalEventCb line 162 QMI_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_IND_V02
05-03 14:09:25.574 1000 992 1143 I LocSvc_ApiV02: <--- globalEventCb line 162 QMI_LOC_EVENT_GNSS_SV_INFO_IND_V02
05-03 14:09:25.575 1000 992 3854 I LocSvc_libulp: ulp_brain_process_gnss_sv_report, gnss sv report cnt = 1185, gnss pos report cnt = 12,strong sv cnt = 0
05-03 14:09:25.577 1000 1518 2141 D GnssLocationProvider_ex: SV Count : 2 (PRN, Constellation, SNR, Used)
05-03 14:09:25.578 1000 1518 2141 D GnssLocationProvider_ex: (6, GPS, 16.1, 0) (22, GLONASS, 18.3, 0)
05-03 14:09:25.730 1000 1518 3556 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10251 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[LTE] - MOBILE, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: nxtgenphone, failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: true]
05-03 14:09:26.039 1000 1518 1785 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 8
05-03 14:09:26.040 1000 1518 1785 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10026 action=com.google.android.gms.auth.authzen.cryptauth.DEVICE_STATE_CHECK_DELAY_COMPLETE alarm=Alarm{7641d9d type 3 when 23627321 com.google.android.gms}
05-03 14:09:26.045 1000 1518 1785 I ActivityManager: KPU : put [com.samsung.android.scloud] : 18756 K
05-03 14:09:26.055 1000 1518 1785 I ActivityManager: Killing 24177:com.samsung.android.scloud/5009 (adj 906): DHA:empty #25
05-03 14:09:26.058 1000 1518 1785 I ActivityManager: KPU : put [com.samsung.cmh:CMH] : 17535 K
05-03 14:09:26.058 1000 1518 1785 I ActivityManager: Killing 19572:com.samsung.cmh:CMH/5004 (adj 906): DHA:empty #25
05-03 14:09:26.094 1000 1518 3556 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10026 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[LTE] - MOBILE, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: nxtgenphone, failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: true]
05-03 14:09:26.095 10026 3403 28657 I Authzen : [DeviceStateSyncManager] The server is in sync with current state. Nothing to do
05-03 14:09:26.123 5004 28194 28194 I DCMServiceController: [#CMH#] shutdown () called
05-03 14:09:26.124 5004 28087 28087 I EnhanceService: [EnhanceService] onDestroy () called
05-03 14:09:26.132 5004 26792 26792 I LPService: [#MLP#] On destroy
05-03 14:09:26.133 5004 26792 26792 I LPServiceController: [#MLP#] Shutting down learning service...
05-03 14:09:26.140 5013 2371 4494 D ProcessObserver_FLP: onProcessDied, 19572/5004
05-03 14:09:26.140 nfc 2472 2514 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller
05-03 14:09:26.142 10267 3141 3218 V IQBridge: [IQPorting_MasterBridgeWrite] --> Agent request to write [16] bytes from [0x708e4b2508]
05-03 14:09:26.142 10267 3141 3218 V IQBridge: [IQPorting_MasterBridgeWrite] [16] <-- IQ_PORTING_OK
05-03 14:09:26.143 5013 2371 4494 D ProcessObserver_FLP: onProcessDied, 24177/5009
05-03 14:09:26.143 nfc 2472 2514 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller
05-03 14:09:26.144 10267 3141 3218 V IQBridge: [IQPorting_MasterBridgeWrite] --> Agent request to write [16] bytes from [0x708e4b2508]
05-03 14:09:26.144 10267 3141 3218 V IQBridge: [IQPorting_MasterBridgeWrite] [16] <-- IQ_PORTING_OK
05-03 14:09:26.227 1000 2506 2677 D EPDG -- SIM0 [EpdgSubScription]: onDataActivity: direction=3