We have a huge site that still has over 800 classic asp pages. While working on the upgrade of the site to 4.0 I cam across an issue where asp.net precompile utility aspnet_compiler throws millions of errors in those classic asp pages, especially with the include directives. (mainly constants and functions are defined in the global files not visible in the included file itself)

Is there a way to tell precompile utility to ignore classic asp and inc files?

Is there any other way other then converting all asp pages to make it precompile?


1 回答 1


您可以删除所有 .asp 文件,看看是否有人注意到。


相反,如何制作一个没有 .asp 文件的站点副本,然后对其进行预编译。或者暂时删除 .asp 文件,预编译,然后将它们移回。


于 2011-02-16T20:10:47.163 回答