无法反序列化以下对象图。当在 BinaryFormmater 上调用反序列化方法时会发生该异常: System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException :

The constructor to deserialize an object of type 'C' was not found.

C 上有两个构造函数,我认为问题可能是:虽然序列化 Binaryformatter 使用参数化的一个和反序列化过程,但它需要一个无参数的。有破解/解决方案吗?对象:

    public class A
        B b;
        C c;

        public int ID { get; set; }

        public A()

        public A(B b)
            this.b = b;

        public A(C c)
            this.c = c;
    public class B

    public class C : Dictionary<int, A>
        public C()


        public C(List<A> list)
            list.ForEach(p => this.Add(p.ID, p));

// 序列化成功

    byte[] result;
    using (var stream =new MemoryStream())
        new BinaryFormatter ().Serialize (stream, source);
        stream.Flush ();
        result = stream.ToArray ();
    return result;

// 反序列化失败

    object result = null;
    using (var stream = new MemoryStream(buffer))
        result = new BinaryFormatter ().Deserialize (stream);
    return result;


        List<A> alist = new List<A>()
            new A {ID = 1},
            new A {ID = 2}

        C c = new C(alist);
        var fetched = Serialize (c); // success
        var obj = Deserialize(fetched); // failes

2 回答 2



protected C(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctx) : base(info, ctx) {}


 static void Main() {
     C c = new C();
     c.Add(123, new A { ID = 456});
     using(var ms = new MemoryStream()) {
         var ser = new BinaryFormatter();
         ser.Serialize(ms, c);
         ms.Position = 0;
         C clone = (C)ser.Deserialize(ms);
         Console.WriteLine(clone.Count); // writes 1
         Console.WriteLine(clone[123].ID); // writes 456
于 2011-02-16T14:00:01.013 回答

当您按以下方式实现类 C 时,您的序列化将成功:

public class C : IDictionary<int,A>
    private Dictionary<int,A> _inner = new Dictionary<int,A>;

    // implement interface ...

问题是 Dictionary 派生类的序列化。

于 2011-02-16T13:56:14.467 回答