

previousLogItems <- select $ from $ \li -> do
        orderBy [desc (li ^. LogItemId)]
        limit 10
        return (li ^. LogItemId, li ^. LogItemTitle)

esqueleto 有什么方法可以将列的子集投影到自定义记录(不同于实体)而不是元组?这是在没有从元组到自定义记录的额外投影的情况下完成的。

例如,假设从数据库中获取所有数据效率低下,因此我们只想将数据库中的 WindowTitle 和 BeginTime 列投影到为这些列提供足够名称的自定义记录中。



data Custom = Custom
  { title :: Text
  , id    :: Int
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

daily :: Servant.Handler [Custom]
daily = do
  lis <- liftIO $ runDB $
            select $ from $ \li -> do
                    orderBy [desc (li ^. LogItemId)]
                    limit 25
                    return (Custom (li ^. LogItemTitle) (li ^. LogItemId))
  return lis


• Couldn't match expected type ‘Text’
              with actual type ‘SqlExpr (Database.Esqueleto.Value Text)’
• In the first argument of ‘Custom’, namely ‘(li ^. LogItemTitle)’
  In the first argument of ‘return’, namely
    ‘(Custom (li ^. LogItemTitle) (li ^. LogItemId))’
  In a stmt of a 'do' block:
    return (Custom (li ^. LogItemTitle) (li ^. LogItemId))



daily :: Servant.Handler [Custom]
daily = do
  lis <- liftIO $ runDB $
            select $ from $ \li -> do
                    orderBy [desc (li ^. LogItemId)]
                    limit 25
                    return (Custom <$> (li ^. LogItemTitle) <*> (li ^. LogItemId))
  return lis


• Couldn't match type ‘Database.Esqueleto.Value Text’ with ‘Text’
  Expected type: SqlExpr Text
    Actual type: SqlExpr (Database.Esqueleto.Value Text)
• In the second argument of ‘(<$>)’, namely ‘(li ^. LogItemTitle)’
  In the first argument of ‘(<*>)’, namely
    ‘Custom <$> (li ^. LogItemTitle)’
  In the first argument of ‘return’, namely
    ‘(Custom <$> (li ^. LogItemTitle) <*> (li ^. LogItemId))’

• Couldn't match type ‘Database.Esqueleto.Value (Key LogItem)’
                 with ‘Int’
  Expected type: SqlExpr Int
    Actual type: SqlExpr (Database.Esqueleto.Value (Key LogItem))
• In the second argument of ‘(<*>)’, namely ‘(li ^. LogItemId)’
  In the first argument of ‘return’, namely
    ‘(Custom <$> (li ^. LogItemTitle) <*> (li ^. LogItemId))’
  In a stmt of a 'do' block:
    return (Custom <$> (li ^. LogItemTitle) <*> (li ^. LogItemId))

1 回答 1


esqueleto 在这里实际做的事情有点复杂。这是 的类型select

select :: (SqlSelect a r, MonadIO m) => SqlQuery a -> SqlReadT m [r]

这需要一个SqlQuery a(一个包含值 you 的 monad return),并返回一个SqlReadT m [r](一个包含结果列表的 monad)。当returnCustom键入时,会发生以下情况:

  1. esqueleto 将您的a类型转换为持久化的内部 SQL 表示
  2. 持久执行查询并返回结果列表
  3. esqueleto 将结果列表从持久化的内部 SQL 表示形式转换为[r]


data Custom' = Custom' (Value Text) (Value Int)

data Custom = Custom
  { title :: Text
  , id    :: Int

instance SqlSelect Custom' Custom where
  sqlSelectCols esc (Custom' a b) = (mconcat [ta, ", ", tb], va ++ vb)
      (ta, va) = sqlSelectCols esc a
      (tb, vb) = sqlSelectCols esc b
  sqlSelectColCount _ = 2
  sqlSelectProcessRow [PersistText a, PersistInt64 b] = Right $ Custom a b
  sqlSelectProcessRow _ = Left "Error: Incorrect rows to translate to Custom"


需要注意的一点是,在上面的示例中,aandr类型不同(Custom'vs Custom)。这是因为在 a 内部,select您正在使用的所有值都是 type Value,而不是它们的实际类型。

于 2018-05-02T23:59:51.527 回答