我是 F# 的新手,正在尝试使用 MailboxProcessor 来确保状态更改是单独完成的。

简而言之,我将操作(描述状态更改的不可变对象)发布到 MailboxProcessor,在递归函数中我读取消息并生成新状态(即在下面的示例中将项目添加到集合中)并将该状态发送到下一次递归。

open System

type AppliationState =
        Store : string list
    static member Default = 
            Store = List.empty
    member this.HandleAction (action:obj) =
        match action with
        | :? string as a -> { this with Store = a :: this.Store }
        | _ -> this

type Agent<'T> = MailboxProcessor<'T>     

[<AbstractClass; Sealed>]
type AppHolder private () =
    static member private Processor = Agent.Start(fun inbox ->
        let rec loop (s : AppliationState) =
            async {
                let! action = inbox.Receive()
                let s' = s.HandleAction action
                Console.WriteLine("{s: " + s.Store.Length.ToString() + " s': " + s'.Store.Length.ToString())
                return! loop s'
        loop AppliationState.Default)

    static member HandleAction (action:obj) =
        AppHolder.Processor.Post action

let main argv =
    AppHolder.HandleAction "a"
    AppHolder.HandleAction "b"
    AppHolder.HandleAction "c"
    AppHolder.HandleAction "d"

    0 // return an integer exit code


s: 0 s': 1
s: 1 s': 2
s: 2 s': 3
s: 3 s': 4  


s: 0 s': 1
s: 0 s': 1
s: 0 s': 1
s: 0 s': 1

阅读 MailboxProcessor 的文档并对其进行谷歌搜索,我的结论是它是一个消息队列,由“单线程”处理,而不是看起来它们都是并行处理的。



2 回答 2


问题是您认为AppHolder.Processor每次都是同一个对象,但实际上每次都是不同的 MailboxProcessor。我将您的 AppHolder 代码更改为以下内容:

[<AbstractClass; Sealed>]
type AppHolder private () =
    static member private Processor =
        printfn "Starting..."
        Agent.Start(fun inbox ->
        let rec loop (s : AppliationState) =
            async {
                let! action = inbox.Receive()
                let s' = s.HandleAction action
                printfn "{s: %A s': %A}" s s'
                return! loop s'
        loop AppliationState.Default)

    static member HandleAction (action:obj) =
        AppHolder.Processor.Post action

我所做的唯一更改是简化使用 Console.WriteLine 调用printfn并获得更多调试细节,并添加将在 MailboxProcessor 构建和启动之前立即执行%A的单个调用。printfn "Starting..."我得到的输出是:

{s: {Store = [];} s': {Store = ["b"];}}
{s: {Store = [];} s': {Store = ["d"];}}
{s: {Store = [];} s': {Store = ["c"];}}
{s: {Store = [];} s': {Store = ["a"];}}

请注意,该printfn "Starting..."行已经执行了四次。

这吸引了很多 F# 新手:member关键字定义了一个属性,而不是一个字段。每次评估属性时,都会重新评估该属性的主体。所以每次访问AppHolder.Processor时,都会得到一个新的 MailboxProcessor。有关更多详细信息,请参阅https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/fsharp/language-reference/members/properties


[<AbstractClass; Sealed>]
type AppHolder private () =
    static let processor =
        printfn "Starting..."
        Agent.Start(fun inbox ->
            // ...

    static member HandleAction (action:obj) =
        processor.Post action
于 2018-05-02T17:18:11.857 回答

我认为问题一定出在您实施 HandleAction 中。我实现了以下内容,它产生了预期的输出。

open System

type ApplicationState =
        Items: int list
    static member Default = {Items = []}
    member this.HandleAction x = {this with Items = x::this.Items}

type Message = Add of int

let Processor = MailboxProcessor<Message>.Start(fun inbox ->
    let rec loop (s : ApplicationState) =
        async {
            let! (Add action) = inbox.Receive()
            let s' = s.HandleAction action
            Console.WriteLine("s: " + s.Items.Length.ToString() + " s': " + s'.Items.Length.ToString())
            return! loop s'
    loop ApplicationState.Default)

Processor.Post (Add 1)
Processor.Post (Add 2)
Processor.Post (Add 3)
Processor.Post (Add 4)

// s: 0 s': 1
// s: 1 s': 2
// s: 2 s': 3
// s: 3 s': 4


在看到更新的代码示例后,我相信正确的 F# 解决方案就是将AppHolder类型从类切换为模块。更新后的代码如下所示:

open System

type AppliationState =
        Store : string list
    static member Default = 
            Store = List.empty
    member this.HandleAction (action:obj) =
        match action with
        | :? string as a -> { this with Store = a :: this.Store }
        | _ -> this

type Agent<'T> = MailboxProcessor<'T>     

module AppHolder =
    let private processor = Agent.Start(fun inbox ->
        let rec loop (s : AppliationState) =
            async {
                let! action = inbox.Receive()
                let s' = s.HandleAction action
                Console.WriteLine("{s: " + s.Store.Length.ToString() + " s': " + s'.Store.Length.ToString())
                return! loop s'
        loop AppliationState.Default)

    let handleAction (action:obj) =
        processor.Post action

AppHolder.handleAction "a"
AppHolder.handleAction "b"
AppHolder.handleAction "c"
AppHolder.handleAction "d"


{s: 0 s': 1
{s: 1 s': 2
{s: 2 s': 3
{s: 3 s': 4
于 2018-05-02T14:01:16.667 回答