基于@Tratcher 提议和这篇博文,这里有一个解决方案,可以让物理文件提供程序区分大小写,您可以在其中选择强制区分大小写或允许任何大小写,而不管操作系统如何。
public class CaseAwarePhysicalFileProvider : IFileProvider
private readonly PhysicalFileProvider _provider;
//holds all of the actual paths to the required files
private static Dictionary<string, string> _paths;
public bool CaseSensitive { get; set; } = false;
public CaseAwarePhysicalFileProvider(string root)
_provider = new PhysicalFileProvider(root);
_paths = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
public CaseAwarePhysicalFileProvider(string root, ExclusionFilters filters)
_provider = new PhysicalFileProvider(root, filters);
_paths = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
public IFileInfo GetFileInfo(string subpath)
var actualPath = GetActualFilePath(subpath);
if(CaseSensitive && actualPath != subpath) return new NotFoundFileInfo(subpath);
return _provider.GetFileInfo(actualPath);
public IDirectoryContents GetDirectoryContents(string subpath)
var actualPath = GetActualFilePath(subpath);
if(CaseSensitive && actualPath != subpath) return NotFoundDirectoryContents.Singleton;
return _provider.GetDirectoryContents(actualPath);
public IChangeToken Watch(string filter) => _provider.Watch(filter);
// Determines (and caches) the actual path for a file
private string GetActualFilePath(string path)
// Check if this has already been matched before
if (_paths.ContainsKey(path)) return _paths[path];
// Break apart the path and get the root folder to work from
var currPath = _provider.Root;
var segments = path.Split(new [] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
// Start stepping up the folders to replace with the correct cased folder name
for (var i = 0; i < segments.Length; i++)
var part = segments[i];
var last = i == segments.Length - 1;
// Ignore the root
if (part.Equals("~")) continue;
// Process the file name if this is the last segment
part = last ? GetFileName(part, currPath) : GetDirectoryName(part, currPath);
// If no matches were found, just return the original string
if (part == null) return path;
// Update the actualPath with the correct name casing
currPath = Path.Combine(currPath, part);
segments[i] = part;
// Save this path for later use
var actualPath = string.Join(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, segments);
_paths.Add(path, actualPath);
return actualPath;
// Searches for a matching file name in the current directory regardless of case
private static string GetFileName(string part, string folder) =>
new DirectoryInfo(folder).GetFiles().FirstOrDefault(file => file.Name.Equals(part, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))?.Name;
// Searches for a matching folder in the current directory regardless of case
private static string GetDirectoryName(string part, string folder) =>
new DirectoryInfo(folder).GetDirectories().FirstOrDefault(dir => dir.Name.Equals(part, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))?.Name;
然后在 Startup 类中,确保为内容和 Web 根注册了一个提供程序,如下所示:
_environment.ContentRootFileProvider = new CaseAwarePhysicalFileProvider(_environment.ContentRootPath);
_environment.WebRootFileProvider = new CaseAwarePhysicalFileProvider(_environment.WebRootPath);