Yes, I could recommend you to use spawning over apache/wsgi setup.
Two reasons basically:
1) Memory usage (you'll save some MBs on spawning)
2) Dynamic code reloading (at no point of time, your user's will see a 404 or 500 page)
This comes from experience, I am running on spawning+nginx in this setup:
nginx handles all the incoming load which further proxy connection to spawning which is listening on a unprivileged port (means spawning is running as a different user than the web-server)
Spawning spawns 4 processes with 2 threads per process. (works for the current load).
As I push any code to the server, the previous requests are handled, and then the new code starts serving the new requests.
This has been working very good till now (I am running this from about 6 months)
What I've observed, django with mod wsgi + apache (which I used for some days earlier) was taking about 70MB of RAM after getting started (single process), and this setup uses 45MB per process or so.
Also, I've also had this with lighttpd + modfcgi which also consumes almost same amount of memory than spwaning.
(I might have miscalculated because in apache, the webserver's memory usage is also included)
You can rely on spawning, as far as I can say, but if if you don't really push often, it won't be of much use.