
I delete"/Users/wangcl/Library/Application Scripts/com. apple. iChat" file before for a long time, And I really need it.Now my imessages cannot perform AppleScript processor, is there a way to restore?

I would be grateful for any help.Thanks!

Model: mac pro AppleScript: 2.10(194) Browser: chrome 66.0.3359.117 Operating System: Mac OS X (10.13 Public Beta)


1 回答 1


OK! I think I've found the answer. You can look at this : apple.stackexchange.com/questions/318230/… t-handler-option-in-macos-high-sierra Apple removed the feature on OSX10.13.4 "Applescript handler"…… I don't know why.

于 2018-05-01T07:06:27.050 回答