In MATLAB (r2009b) I have a uint32 variable containing the value 2147484101.
This number (its 4-bytes) has been extracted from a digital machine-vision camera in a grabbing process. According to what I understand it holds the single-precision form of the shutter-speed of the camera (should be close to 1/260s = 3.8ms).
How do I convert this 32-bit number to its IEEE single-precision floating-point representation - using what's available in MATLAB?
With mentioned value in variable n, I have tried using a combination of nn=dec2hex(n,16) and then hex2num(nn). But it seems that hex2num expects the hexadecimal coding to be double-precision and not single as it is here. Atleast I am getting weird numbers with this method.
Any ideas?
Edit: Tried @Matt's answer below:
typecast(uint32(2147484101),'single') %# without swapbytes
typecast(swapbytes(uint32(2147484101)),'single') %# with swapbytes
Which gives:
ans =
ans =
I tried the IEEE 754 converter (JAVA applet) at
format hex
typecast(uint32(2147484101),'uint8') %# without swapbytes
typecast(swapbytes(uint32(2147484101)),'uint8') %# with swapbytes
ans =
c5 01 00 80
ans =
80 00 01 c5
Entering these bytes into the applet (hexadecimal) gives me the same numbers as MATLAB.