传单包是一个用于访问传单功能的 R 包,它是用于显示交互式地图的最流行的开源 JavaScript 库之一。更多信息:https ://rstudio.github.io/leaflet/
正如@IvanSanchez 所说,Web 地图服务 (WMS) 是您可以在自己的应用程序中加载的地图。将此视为地理参考图像/图片,没有有关实际多边形、形状等的信息。
如果您想对多边形进行一些分析或检索信息,您可能需要 Web 要素服务 (WFS)。
首先,这是正确加载 WMS 的代码。
# corrected WMS version
library(leaflet.extras) # for WMS legend
leaflet() %>% setView(x.WGS, y.WGS, zoom = 11) %>%
addTiles() %>%
addMarkers(lng = x.WGS, lat = y.WGS)%>%
baseUrl = "https://geodata.nationaalgeoregister.nl/natura2000/ows?service=WMS",
layers = "natura2000",
options = WMSTileOptions(format = "image/png", transparent = TRUE),
attribution = "") %>%
addCircles(lng = x.WGS, lat = y.WGS, weight = 1,
radius = 7500) %>%
addWMSLegend(uri ="https://geodata.nationaalgeoregister.nl/natura2000/ows?service=WMS&request=GetLegendGraphic&format=image%2Fpng&width=20&height=20&layer=natura2000")
其次,回答您的问题:我们可以将带有几何过滤器的 CQL 查询添加到 WFS 请求中。
请注意,这在您的特定情况下是可能的,但这并不是所有 WFS 服务的标准。
# Since you want to do spatial analysis on features, we load the sf package
# more info: https://r-spatial.github.io/sf/
# we convert your point coordinates to the native CRS of the WFS layer:
# make point and assign WGS84 CRS
x <- st_point(c(x.WGS,y.WGS))
x <- st_sfc(x) %>% st_set_crs(NA) %>% st_set_crs(4326)
# transform to EPSG::28992 // Amersfoort RD is default CRS for the wfs layer
x_RD <- st_transform(x,28992)
# The WFS allows spatial filtering (this is not always the case)
# so you can use a cql filter with a distance around your point:
# cql_filter=dwithin(natura2000:geom,point(241514 505696.5),7500,meters)
# combining and encoding the cql filter for a valid WFS url:
WFS_url <- paste0("http://geodata.nationaalgeoregister.nl/natura2000/wfs?",
",7500, meters)"),
reserved = FALSE),
# get WFS feature
natura2000 <- st_read(WFS_url)
# Transform to WGS84
natura2000_wgs84 <- st_transform(natura2000,4326)
# load data in leaflet
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
addMarkers(lng = x.WGS, lat = y.WGS) %>%
addCircles(lng = x.WGS, lat = y.WGS, weight = 1,
radius = 7500) %>%
addPolygons(data = natura2000_wgs84,
label = ~naam_n2k,
popup = ~naam_n2k)