我目前正在学习 c 和算法。我已经将一个模拟字典实现为一棵树,并且想进一步学习我的课程并使用 avl 树。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define __USE_BSD
#include <string.h>
#include "speller.h"
#include "dict.h"
typedef struct node * tree_ptr;
struct node {
Key_Type element; // only data is the key itself
tree_ptr left, right;
// add anything else that you need
struct table {
tree_ptr head; // points to the head of the tree
// add anything else that you need
Table initialize_table(/*ignore parameter*/) {
Table pointtable = malloc(sizeof(struct table));
return pointtable;
void insertnew(tree_ptr node, Key_Type element)
Key_Type current = node->element;
if(strcmp(element,current) < 0)//left
if(node -> left == NULL)
typedef struct node *pointsobject;
//new sobject
pointsobject structsobject;
// memory alocated
structsobject = malloc(sizeof(*structsobject));
structsobject-> element = element;
structsobject-> left = NULL;
structsobject-> right = NULL;
node->left = structsobject;
insertnew(node->left , element);
else if(strcmp(element,current) > 0)//right
if(node -> right == NULL)
typedef struct node *pointsobject;
//new sobject
pointsobject structsobject;
// memory alocated
structsobject = malloc(sizeof(*structsobject));
structsobject-> element = element;
structsobject-> left = NULL;
structsobject-> right = NULL;
node->right = structsobject;
insertnew(node->right, element);
Table insert(Key_Type element,Table dictable) {
if (dictable -> head == NULL)
typedef struct node *pointsobject;
//new sobject
pointsobject structsobject;
// memory alocated
structsobject = malloc(sizeof(*structsobject));
structsobject-> element = element;
structsobject-> left = NULL;
structsobject-> right = NULL;
dictable->head = structsobject;
return dictable;
Boolean find(Key_Type element, Table dictable) {
return FALSE;;
void printtab(tree_ptr node)
if (node->left != NULL)
if (node->right != NULL)
void print_table(Table dictable) {
void print_stats (Table dictable) {
我试图在网上寻找一个实现,发现解释相当混乱。有人可以为我指出如何将这个树结构更改为 avl 树结构的正确方向。