我希望将给定 ColumnVector 的值右移并复制到另一个比 ColumnVector 大一个元素的 RowVector。我想通过将 columnVector 复制到 RowVector 中的某个范围来完成此操作。
// The given columnVector ( this code snippet is added to make the error reproducable)
int yDimLen = 26; // arbitrary value
cv::Mat columnVector(yDimLen, 1, CV_32SC1, cv::Scalar(13)); // one column AND yDimLen rows
for (int r = 0; r < yDimLen; r++) // chech the values
printf("%d\t", *(columnVector.ptr<int>(r)));
// Copy elemnets of columnVector to rowVector starting from column number 1
cv::Mat rowVector(1, yDimLen + 1, CV_32SC1, cv::Scalar(0));
cv::Mat rowVector_rangeHeader = rowVector.colRange(cv::Range(1, yDimLen + 1)); // header matrix, 1 in included AND (yDimLen + 1) is excluded
// check the values
for (int c = 0; c < yDimLen; c++)
printf("%d\t", rowVector_rangeHeader.ptr<int>(0)[c]); // displays 13
for (int c = 0; c < yDimLen + 1; c++)
printf("%d\t", rowVector.ptr<int>(0)[c]); // displays 0 !!!