
$(document).ready(function () {
  * Since the "Start Upload" button is available, we don't need to worry about starting the 
  * upload when the user clicks "Update". But we need to make sure to display an error message
  * if there are files in the uploader that have not been uploaded yet.
  $('#myAccount p.buttons input[alt="Update"]').click(function (event) {

    // check if there are files in the uploader
    if (uploader.files.length > 0) {

        // if there are files that have not been uploaded yet, we need to show an error message
        if (uploader.total.uploaded != uploader.files.length) {

            // if the error message hasn't been created yet, create it
            // else, it'll already be visible so we don't need to do anything
            if ($('#upload_error').length == 0) {
                $('<p id="upload_error">Error!</p>').insertAfter('#myAccount p.buttons input[alt="Cancel"]');
            event.preventDefault(); // stop the click event
    // continue click event as normal

... 和 ...

// if the cancel button is clicked, then remove the files from the uploader
$('#myAccount p.buttons input[alt="Cancel"]').click(function (event) {
    uploader.splice(0, uploader.files.length);
    // continue click event as normal

两者都可以在 Firefox 中正常工作,但在 IE8 和 IE7(兼容模式)中,它们并非一直都有效。

更具体地说,这个“上传器”的东西与Plupload 文件上传器有关。本质上,我在表单中有这个上传器。如果我根本不触摸上传器,则表单可以正常提交,并且上述点击处理程序可以正常工作。


我希望我的评论能澄清我的意图。关于为什么这在 IE 7/8 中不起作用的任何想法?我究竟做错了什么?event.preventDefault()IE中的处理方式不同吗?



2 回答 2



if (event.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); } else { event.returnValue = false; }

在使用它之前测试 preventDefault 。

话虽这么说,你只需要使用 jQuery return false;,它会为你处理一切

于 2011-02-14T16:54:24.140 回答

我刚刚切换到 Flash 运行时。它现在似乎工作正常。

于 2011-02-16T07:15:26.253 回答