2 回答 2


I've left all of my testing echoes in my code block and merely commented them out in case you wanted to see what is being generated throughout the process.

I took some liberties with your code. I didn't like the function calling the function, and I condensed your lookup array into a space-led string. This will serve to have the same effect as your indexed array that starts from 1. The converting of the lookup from array to string means I can use mb_strpos() instead of array_search().

The crucial point to fix in your code was in the looping, specifically accessing the letters with [$i]. You see, you cannot treat these multibyte characters as single byte characters -- you must use mb_substr() to access the "whole" letter.

Setting values for $alphabet and encoding means, you don't have to write a second "helper" function to pass all of the necessary data. uksort() will pass its expected two arguments and everything goes ahead smoothly.

One final piece of advice is: mb_ functions are expensive, so always try to return in your code as soon as possible and leave the mb_ functions farther "downscript" whenever logically possible.

Here is my suggested code: (Demo)

function alphabetize_custom($a, $b, $alphabet = " -,.ȝjʿwbpfmnrhḥḫẖsšqkgtṯdḏ⸗/()[]<>{}'*#I0123456789&@%", $encoding = 'UTF-8') {
    //echo "\n----\n$a =vs= $b";
    $mb_length = max(mb_strlen($a, $encoding), mb_strlen($b, $encoding));
    for ($i = 0; $i < $mb_length; ++$i) {
        //echo "\n";
        $a_char = mb_substr($a, $i, 1, $encoding);
        $b_char = mb_substr($b, $i, 1, $encoding);
        //echo "$a_char -vs- $b_char\n";
        //echo "(" , mb_strlen($a_char, $encoding), " & ", mb_strlen($b_char, $encoding), ")\n";
        if ($a_char === $b_char) {/*echo "identical, continue";*/ continue;}
        if (!mb_strlen($a_char, $encoding)) { /* echo "a is empty -1";*/ return -1;}
        if (!mb_strlen($b_char, $encoding)) { /*echo "b is empty 1";*/ return 1;}
        $a_offset = mb_strpos($alphabet, $a_char, 0, $encoding);
        $b_offset = mb_strpos($alphabet, $b_char, 0, $encoding);
        //echo "[" , $a_offset, " & ", $b_offset, "]\n";
        if ($a_offset == $b_offset) { /*echo "== offsets, continue";*/ continue;}
        if ($a_offset < $b_offset) { /*echo "a offset -1";*/ return -1;}
        //echo "b offset 1";
        return 1;
    //echo "0";
    return 0;

$result = [
    "nṯr" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176b", "Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1"],
    "n" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c", "Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1", "Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,2"],
    "nḫȝḫȝ" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c"],
    "nwj" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c"],
    "nfr" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c", "Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,2"],
    "nḥḥ" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176e", "Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1", "Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1"],
    "nḏ" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1"]

uksort($result, 'alphabetize_custom');



array (
  'n' => 
  array (
    0 => 'Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c',
    1 => 'Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1',
    2 => 'Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,2',
  'nwj' => 
  array (
    0 => 'Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c',
  'nfr' => 
  array (
    0 => 'Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c',
    1 => 'Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,2',
  'nḥḥ' => 
  array (
    0 => 'Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176e',
    1 => 'Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1',
    2 => 'Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1',
  'nḫȝḫȝ' => 
  array (
    0 => 'Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c',
  'nṯr' => 
  array (
    0 => 'Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176b',
    1 => 'Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1',
  'nḏ' => 
  array (
    0 => 'Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1',

Just for comparison's sake, I wrote an alternative code block that uses array_search() as your original code does and not surprisingly it appears to be more efficient according to the speed tests on 3v4l.org. This is likely due to the removal of a couple of 4 mb_ functions, which I previously mentioned to be "expensive". The following snippet provides the same output.

Code: (Demo)

function alphabetize_custom($a, $b) {
    $alphabet = [' ', '-', ',', '.', 'ȝ', 'j', 'ʿ', 'w', 'b', 'p', 'f', 'm', 'n', 'r', 'h', 'ḥ', 'ḫ', 'ẖ', 's', 'š', 'q', 'k', 'g', 't', 'ṯ', 'd', 'ḏ', '⸗', '/', '(', ')', '[', ']', '<', '>', '{', '}', "'", '*', '#', 'I', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '&', '@', '%'];
    unset($alphabet[0]);  // removes dummy first key, effectively starting the keys from 1
    $encoding = 'UTF-8';

    $mb_length = max(mb_strlen($a, $encoding), mb_strlen($b, $encoding));
    for ($i = 0; $i < $mb_length; ++$i) {
        $a_char = mb_substr($a, $i, 1, $encoding);
        $b_char = mb_substr($b, $i, 1, $encoding);
        if ($a_char === $b_char) continue;

        $a_key = array_search($a_char, $alphabet);
        $b_key = array_search($b_char, $alphabet);
        if ($a_key === $b_key) continue;

        return $a_key - $b_key;
    return 0;

$result = [
    "nṯr" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176b", "Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1"],
    "n" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c", "Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1", "Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,2"],
    "nḫȝḫȝ" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c"],
    "nwj" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c"],
    "nfr" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c", "Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,2"],
    "nḥḥ" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176e", "Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1", "Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1"],
    "nḏ" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1"]

uksort($result, 'alphabetize_custom');

于 2018-04-19T14:42:38.693 回答

The charset in the meta tag needs to be UTF-8. That is what the outside world calls it; MySQL calls it utf8mb4.

Inside MySQL, declare the collation of the columns you want to be ordered with COLLATION utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci. With that, MySQL can do the work for you:

SELECT ... ORDER BY col ...
于 2018-12-21T05:40:55.710 回答