我正在使用 LaTeX 创建 Anki 抽认卡,使用 imagemagick 将它们从 .pdf 转换为 .png,以便它们可以与 Anki 一起使用。

我想突出显示具有蓝色或灰色背景的抽认卡中的一些内联代码片段,我尝试以两种方式在我的 LaTeX 代码中实现,如下例所示:



\usepackage[parfill]{parskip} % turns off indentation at beginning of new paragraphs and adds a little bit of (stretchable) space in between paragraphs.
\usepackage{textcomp}     % access \textquotesingle

% Grey background and typwriter font for inline code
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/140166/making-inline-code-printing-pretty
            fill=blue!10,           % background color
            %draw=blue!50,          % border of box
            inner xsep =3pt,    % horizontal space between text and border
            inner ysep =0pt,    % vertical space between text and border
            text height=2ex,    % height of box
            text depth =1ex,    % depth of box
            #1                  % other options

% Grey background and typwriter font for inline code version 2

Assuming you are writing in English, use \code{\`{}\`{}quoted\textquotesingle\textquotesingle} to get the result ``quoted'' (or \code{\`{}quoted\textquotesingle} for `quoted'). Note that in some languages, babel uses the \code{"} character for various purposes not related to quotation marks, so it really is best to avoid it.

Assuming you are writing in English, use \codex{\`{}\`{}quoted\textquotesingle\textquotesingle} to get the result ``quoted'' (or \codex{\`{}quoted\textquotesingle} for `quoted'). Note that in some languages, babel uses the \codex{"} character for various purposes not related to quotation marks, so it really is best to avoid it.

这会生成这个.pdf 文件,由我的 pdf 查看器查看并使用 Windows 截图工具进行裁剪。但是,在使用 imagemagick 进行转换和裁剪后,会出现一些新添加的黄色和/或灰色线条,如下所示

使用的 imagemagick 命令是:

magick - 密度 288 tmp.pdf -trim tmp.png



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