我想将一组坐标从一种文件格式转换为另一种。它适用于绘图机,例如绘图仪。第一个文件是一个 plt 文件,如下所示:

PU-3410,7784;PD-3373,-2281;PU16705,7978;PD16435,5325; (继续数千个坐标)


G01 X-3410 Y7784 Z1000
G01 X-3373 Y-2281 Z0
G01 X16705 Y7978 Z1000
G01 X-16435 Y5325 Z0

PU 表示 Pen Up(=Gcode 中的 Z1000),PD 表示 Pen Down(Z0)。我对 python 很陌生,我只知道如何为 Arduino 编写代码。这段代码会很有帮助。我试图了解如何打开和写入文件,但我对这个项目太新手了,所以我想我会寻求帮助而不是放弃。非常感谢任何帮助!干杯,皮埃尔


1 回答 1



# Uncomment this to read the file... remember to change your variable names too
# with open('input_filename', 'r') as file:
#    file_text = file.read()

sample_text = 'PU-3410,7784;PD-3373,-2281;PU16705,7978;PD16435,5325;'

coordinates = sample_text.split(';') # Splits the overall text into smaller easier chunks

with open('output_filename', 'a+') as output_file: # Create file handler for output file
    for c in coordinates:
        if c[:2] == 'PU': # Checks the value of the first two characters, and if it is PU, use Z1000
            g_code = 'Z1000'
        else: # Use Z0 otherwise 
            g_code = 'Z0'
        c = c[2:] # chop off either PU or PD
        tokens = c.split(',') # Get the numbers
        if len(tokens) < 2: # if something isn't formatted right, exit.
        output_file.write("G01 X{0} Y{1} {2}\n".format(tokens[0], tokens[1], g_code))


1)输入文件中没有格式错误 2)所有行都以 G01 开头 3)我不知道完整的规格,所以其他的东西可能会关闭

于 2018-04-17T23:07:05.913 回答