I have a set that looks something like this
ID date_IN date_out
1 1/1/18 1/2/18
1 1/3/18 1/4/18
1 1/5/18 1/8/18
2 1/1/18 1/5/18
2 1/7/18 1/9/18
I began by
SELECT ID, date_IN, Date_out, lead(date_out) over ( partition by (ID)
order by ID) as next_out
From table
And get something like this...
ID date_IN date_out next_out
1 1/1/18 1/2/18 1/4/18
1 1/3/18 1/4/18 1/8/18
1 1/5/18 1/8/18 Null
2 1/1/18 1/5/18 1/9/18
2 1/7/18 1/9/18 Null
The problem I’m going to to have is that in my actual data many of the ID’s have A LOT of entries. The goal is to have all of the date_out’s appear on one row per ID....
ID date_IN date_out next_out next_out1 etc. etc.
1 1/1/18 1/2/18 1/4/18 1/8/18 X X
2 1/1/18 1/5/18 1/7/18 X Null Null
Is there a way to loop the lead() through the entire partition, order by ID drop everything but the first row then move on to the next ID?