OS: Windows 10, mainly using Cygwin.
I put together a DummyMain.groovy file like so:
@Grab(group='org.jline', module='jline', version='3.7.0')
class DummyMain {
static void main( args ) {
new DummyMain().go()
def go() {
def terminal = org.jline.terminal.TerminalBuilder.builder().jna( true ).system( true ).build()
def reader = terminal.reader()
int readInt = -1
while( readInt != 13 ) {
readInt = reader.read()
println "read |$readInt| class ${readInt.class.simpleName}"
println "reader class ${reader.class.simpleName}"
When I run this by going groovy DummyMain
in its own directory this works as expected and fills me with joy: the reader.read()
line pauses for the next character, and then processes it (i.e. before the user presses Enter to end the line).
But when I comment out the @Grab
and put this line in build.gradle
compile 'org.jline:jline:3.7.0'
and try to run this file using the simplest possible build.gradle
it fails: the while
loops spins on endlessly without waiting for user input, i.e. endlessly printing "read |-1|...".
This failure to wait happens if I use a Cygwin console or a Windows CMD console to go gradle run
From the other print line I can tell that the reader here is class NonBlockingInputStreamReader
in all 3 cases (i.e. Gradle via Cygwin, Gradle via Windoze CMD or groovy
command line command).
However, I find that if I do a gradle installDist
, the resulting "distributed" version of the app works OK: responds to each character entered and waits for the next. Thank God for that! But for testing and development purposes it'd be nice if a solution could be found to the problem of trying to run with Gradle. It seems likely that some tests will fail when they shouldn't as a result of this.
reply to tkruse
here's the build.gradle. DummyMain.groovy is under src\main\groovy\core.
apply plugin: 'java-library'
apply plugin: 'groovy'
apply plugin: 'application'
mainClassName = "core.DummyMain"
repositories {
dependencies {
api 'org.apache.commons:commons-math3:3.6.1'
implementation 'com.google.guava:guava:21.0'
compile 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.6.0-alpha-2'
compile 'net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy:1.6.11'
compile 'org.jline:jline:3.7.0'
The answerer to the only answer (so far) is the author of JLine. I think it's very unlikely that Gradle uses JLine, and that if that were the case Guillaume Nodet would have mentioned that...