我的目标是从所有访问者中过滤,仅分析客户(其中包含客户customDimension.index =2,然后进一步过滤客户的特定类型的综合浏览量。

SELECT customDimensions.value AS CustomerID,
SUM(totals.pageviews) as page_views,
SUM(CASE WHEN hits.type = 'PAGE' AND hits.contentGroup.contentGroup2 = 'important' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS important_pageviews
FROM `xxxxxxxx.ga_sessions_20180415`
WHERE customDimensions.index = 2
GROUP BY CustomerID 

我得到错误(使用 StandardSQL):

Error: Cannot access field index on a value with type
ARRAY<STRUCT<index INT64, value STRING>> at [5:24]

对于旧版 SQL:

错误:无法查询重复字段 customDimensions.index 和 hits.contentGroup.contentGroup2 的叉积。


SELECT cd.value AS CustomerID,
SUM(totals.pageviews) as page_views,
SUM(CASE WHEN hits.type = 'PAGE' AND hits.contentGroup.contentGroup2 = 'important' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS important_pageviews
FROM `xxxxxxxx.ga_sessions_20180415`,
UNNEST(customDimensions) AS cd
WHERE cd.index = 2
GROUP BY CustomerID 


Error: Cannot access field type on a value with type ARRAY<STRUCT<hitNumber INT64, time INT64, hour INT64, ...>> at [3:20]

我尝试使用UNNEST(hits.type) = 'PAGE' AND UNNEST(hitscontentGroup.contentGroup2) = 'important'which 更正 3:20 行Error: Syntax error: Unexpected keyword UNNEST at [3:15]


1 回答 1


由于 customDimensions 是一个数组,您需要unnest它才能引用它的内容,请参阅下面的 StandardSQL 示例,其中我在 BigQuery 中从 Google Analytics 数据中取消嵌套 UserID:

SELECT customDimension.value AS UserID
FROM `my.project.data` AS t
  CROSS JOIN UNNEST(t.customdimensions) AS customDimension
  WHERE customDimension.index = 2
于 2018-04-16T11:06:13.983 回答