I'm using React Native to develop a mobile app for Android and iOS. I have 3 different build types/configuration (Android/iOS). On Android, I have debug, releaseStaging, and release (for production). And on iOS I have debug, release, production.

To differentiate version name between production and development, I use versionNameSuffix on release build Android. On iOS, I create some variables which is VERSION_NAME (e.g 1.0), VERSION_NAME_SUFFIX (I use -beta for debug and release build config), and VERSION_NAME_STRING which is the concatenation of VERSION_NAME and VERSION_NAME_SUFFIX (so on debug/release I get 1.0-beta, and production 1.0)

Now I want to push some updates to codepush. I use command

appcenter codepush release-react -a org/appName -t "1.0-beta" -d Staging --mandatory

And I got an error

Error: Invalid binary version(s) for a release.

Can anybody help me ? I need different version name for development and production, and I also need to use App Center Code Push


1 回答 1


您的版本号需要与 semver 兼容,而 1.0-beta 则不兼容。如果您使用 1.0.0-beta 代替它应该可以正常工作。

于 2018-04-29T19:47:29.697 回答