
我正在使用 django-model-utils InheritanceManager。我有一个超级 Notification(models.Model) 类,我用它来创建许多通知子类,例如PostNotification(Notification)CommentNotification(Notification)等,并且在尝试运行时CommentNotification.objects.bulk_create(list_of_comment_notification_objects),我得到以下回溯:

File "/home/me/.virtualenvs/project/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/query.py", line 429, in bulk_create
    raise ValueError("Can't bulk create a multi-table inherited model")
ValueError: Can't bulk create a multi-table inherited model

在检查 query.py 文件时,我们得到这会导致错误:

for parent in self.model._meta.get_parent_list():
      if parent._meta.concrete_model is not self.model._meta.concrete_model:
           raise ValueError("Can't bulk create a multi-table inherited model")

环境 Django Model Utils 版本:3.1.1 Django 版本:1.11.7 Python 版本:2.7.3


   [PostNotification(related_user=user, post=instance) for user in users]



我虽然只是简单地运行: BaseClass.objects.bulk_create(list_of_SubClass_objects)而不是SubClass.objects.bulk_create(list_of_SubClass_objects)工作并返回子类值的列表,但随后运行SubClass.objects.all()将返回一个空结果。bulk_create() 只会为列表中的每个项目创建一个 Notification 基类对象。


2 回答 2


我已经完成了一个bulk_create似乎适用于我的案例的自定义实现(只有一个父关系而不是自动递增的 pk):

from django.db import models

class MultiTableChildQueryset(models.QuerySet):

    def bulk_create(self, objs, batch_size=None):
        assert batch_size is None or batch_size > 0
        if not objs:
            return objs

        self._for_write = True
        objs = list(objs)
        parent_model = self.model._meta.pk.related_model

        parent_objs = []
        for obj in objs:
            parent_values = {}
            for field in [f for f in parent_model._meta.fields if hasattr(obj, f.name)]:
                parent_values[field.name] = getattr(obj, field.name)
            setattr(obj, self.model._meta.pk.attname, obj.id)
        parent_model.objects.bulk_create(parent_objs, batch_size=batch_size)

        with transaction.atomic(using=self.db, savepoint=False):
            self._batched_insert(objs, self.model._meta.local_fields, batch_size)

        return objs
于 2021-07-20T13:58:13.570 回答

找到了一个hacky解决方案。我希望它适用于你的情况。诀窍是动态创建一个模型(不是继承的),它有一些元(db_table)集。并使用此动态模型批量创建 Child 对象(即写入 Child 的 DB 表)。

    class Parent(models.Model):
        name = models.CharField(max_length=10)

    class Child(Parent):
        phone = models.CharField(max_length=12)
# just an example. Should be expanded to work properly.
field_type_mapping = {
    'OneToOneField': models.IntegerField,
    'CharField': models.CharField,

def create_model(Model, app_label='children', module='', options=None):
    Create specified model
    model_name = Model.__name__
    class Meta:
       managed = False
       db_table = Model._meta.db_table

    if app_label:
        # app_label must be set using the Meta inner class
        setattr(Meta, 'app_label', app_label)

    # Update Meta with any options that were provided
    if options is not None:
        for key, value in options.iteritems():
            setattr(Meta, key, value)

    # Set up a dictionary to simulate declarations within a class
    attrs = {'__module__': module, 'Meta': Meta}

    # Add in any fields that were provided
    fields = dict()
    for field in Model._meta.fields:
        if field.attname == 'id':
        if field.model.__name__ == model_name:
            field_class_name = type(field).__name__
            fields[field.attname] = field_type_mapping[field_class_name]()
    # Create the class, which automatically triggers ModelBase processing

    model = type(f'{model_name}Shadow', (models.Model,), attrs)

    return model

mod = create_model(Child)
parents = [Parent(name=i) for i in range(15)]
parents = Parent.objects.bulk_create(parents)
children = [mod(phone=parent.name, parent_ptr_id=parent.id) for parent in parents]
于 2020-07-14T16:25:22.630 回答