我正在尝试为 Jasmine 实现一个自定义匹配器,我想检查给定的对象属性值是否在其他两个对象属性值的范围内。


let matcher = {
            toLieWithin: function (util: jasmine.MatchersUtil, customEqualityTesters: Array<jasmine.CustomEqualityTester>): jasmine.CustomMatcher {
                return {
                    compare: function (actual: any, expected: any): jasmine.CustomMatcherResult {
                        let result: jasmine.CustomMatcherResult = {
                            pass: false,
                            message: ''

                        result.pass = liesWithin(actual, expected);

                        return result;

function liesWithin<T>(objActual: T, objExpected: T[]): boolean {
        let output: boolean;
        if(objExpected) {
          output = objActual.x > objExpected[0].x && objActual.x < objExpected[1].x && objActual.y > objExpected[0].y && objExpected[1].y;
return output;    

在这里,我假设,实际有两个属性xy. 并且预期是一个由两个对象组成的数组,每个对象也有两个属性xy

actual = {x: -5, y: -10}; expected = [{x: -10, y: -17},{x: 0, y: 0}];




1 回答 1


It looks like you're on the right track with your liesWithin function, you just need to account for the situation where the expected object may not come back ordered how you expect. This code should cover those situations as well:

// Helper to reduce repeated code
function isWithinRange(val, a, b) {
    return (val > a && val < b) || (val > b && val < a);

function liesWithin<T>(objActual: T, objExpected: T[]): boolean {
    if (objExpected) {
        let props = Object.keys(objActual);
        // Splitting X and Y checks into two for readability
        let isInYRange = isWithinRange( objActual[ props[0] ], objExpected[0][ props[0] ], objExpected[1][ props[0] ] );
        let isInXRange = isWithinRange( objActual[ props[1] ], objExpected[0][ props[1] ], objExpected[1][ props[1] ] );
        return isInXRange && isInYRange;
于 2018-04-11T21:02:16.340 回答