I am working on a blockchain implementation and I'm stucked for weeks now at the decision whether I should use a public or a private Blockchain. It's so difficult to decide. I want to manage the identities across organisations (organisations which working together) in one blockchain so that they can authenticate themselfs with just the one and same identifier on every web service (web services across the organizations). My first idea was to use a private one because personal data should be private. But at one side if i use the private i would loose the benefits of the original blockchain technology. Also if i use a private i would have again a centralization because someone must manage the access to it? so it would be like a normal database? what would be the benefit then? on the other side if i use a public blockchain i cant control the users who have got access to it and everybody could see the personal data of each employee.
What would you prefer? And also which framework is the best for a quick prototype implementation? I'm thinking about using hyperledger. I'm greatful for every opinion/recommendation