Currently, I use a single SSM parameter to store a set of properties separated by newlines, like this:


(I am aware of the 4K size limit, it's fine.)

This works well, for normal String type parameters that store non-sensitive information like environment configuration, but I'd also like to do similar for secrets using the SecureString parameter type.

The problem is that I can't edit the parameter value in the console because it's using a HTML input field of type="password" that doesn't handle newlines.

The multi-line value works fine with the actual parameter store backend - I can set a value with multiple lines with the SSM API no problem and they can be read with the EC2 CLI properly too.

But I can't edit them using the console. This is a problem because the whole point of using a SecureString parameter is that I intend the only place to edit/view these secrets to be via the console (so that permissions are controlled and access is audited).

There's a few infrastructure workarounds I could implement (one parameter for each secret, store the secrets on S3 or other secret storing service, etc.) but they all have drawbacks - I'm just trying to find out if there's a way around this using the console?

Is there any way I can work around this and use the console to edit multi-line SecureString parameters?
Any kind of browser workaround or hack that I might be able to use to tell the browser to use a textarea instead of a "password" type field? I'm using Chrome, but I'd be happy to work around this by using another browser or something (editing the secrets is pretty rare, and viewing multi-line values in the console works fine).


After posting this question, AWS notified me there was a whole new "AWS Systems Manager" UI, but it still has the same problem - I tried the below browser hacks on this new UI, but no luck.

Failed browser hack attempt 1: I tried opening the browser console, running document.getElementById("Value").value = "value1\nvalue2" and then clicking the save button, which set the value I injectec, but the newline was filtered out.

Failed browser hack attempt 2: I tried using the browser instpector to change the element to a TextArea and then typed in two lines of input and clicked save, but that didn't set the value at all.


5 回答 5



aws ssm put-parameter --type SecureString --name secrets --value file://secrets.properties
于 2018-11-09T07:33:51.843 回答


hacky 的解决方法是安装“Tamper Chrome”扩展程序 + 应用程序,然后在浏览器发送 XHR 请求时捕获它,并将新行编辑到 JSON 中。


于 2018-04-07T05:49:46.750 回答


出于以下原因,您应该为每个密钥使用单独的 SSM 参数:

  • 能够在细粒度级别授予权限;例如,您有一个用于调用您的服务的 API 密码,以及一个用于与数据库对话的服务的数据库密码——如果您将它们存储在同一个秘密中,您就不能只授予对 API 密码的访问权限。
  • 单独跟踪密钥访问的能力 - SSM 访问日志只能告诉您目标机器/用户当时访问了 SSM 参数,它无法告诉您访问了哪个秘密
  • 能够使用单独的 KMS 密钥进行加密

请注意,您一次最多只能请求 10 个 SSM 参数。

于 2018-09-06T05:04:11.673 回答



于 2018-04-07T06:02:34.357 回答



于 2021-04-02T19:11:19.543 回答