每当我在脚本中运行它时,R 中的命令似乎summary都是空白的,即使它在命令行中运行良好。



#Simple example using a 3-node network
n<-network.initialize(3, directed=T) #generate an empty 3 node network
n[1,2]<-1  #assign a single link between node 1 and node 2
gplot(n)  #plot the network

e1<-ergm(n~edges)  #conduct an ergm using only the edges term



root@user:~/NetworkStatsData$ r test.R
Evaluating log-likelihood at the estimate.


root@user:~/NetworkStatsData$ R

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> suppressMessages(library("statnet"))
> n<-network.initialize(3, directed=T)
> n[1,2]<-1
> gplot(n)
> e1<-ergm(n~edges)
Evaluating log-likelihood at the estimate. 
> summary(e1)

Summary of model fit

Formula:   n ~ edges

Iterations:  4 out of 20 

Monte Carlo MLE Results:
      Estimate Std. Error MCMC % p-value
edges   -1.609      1.095      0   0.202

     Null Deviance: 8.318  on 6  degrees of freedom
 Residual Deviance: 5.407  on 5  degrees of freedom

AIC: 7.407    BIC: 7.198    (Smaller is better.) 



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