我已经成功地使用此示例帖子在 R 中重新创建了行驶时间多边形
问题- 我想在 5 个不同的地图点上绘制多个行驶时间多边形
通过创建 5 个单独的等时线,然后将 5 个多边形添加到我的传单地图,我设法以非常费力的方式做到了这一点
#Preparing multiple dependancies----
packages <- c("readxl","dplyr","leaflet","htmltools", "sp", "osrm")
lapply(packages, library,character.only=TRUE)
#Loading in Locations----
Location <- read_excel("filepath.xlsx", sheet=1)
#Extract Lon and Lat and create spatial dataframe
xy <- Location[, c(3,4)]
spatialdf <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = xy, data = Location, proj4string = CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"))
#Create Isochrone points
iso1 <- osrmIsochrone(loc = c(-2.3827439,53.425705), breaks = seq(from = 0, to = 60, by = 5))
iso2 <- osrmIsochrone(loc = c(-0.85074928,51.325871), breaks = seq(from = 0, to = 60, by = 5))
iso3 <- osrmIsochrone(loc = c(-2.939367,51.570344), breaks = seq(from = 0, to = 60, by = 5))
iso4 <- osrmIsochrone(loc = c(-3.9868026,55.823102), breaks = seq(from = 0, to = 60, by = 5))
iso5 <- osrmIsochrone(loc = c(-0.92104073,53.709006), breaks = seq(from = 0, to = 60, by = 5))
#Create Drive Time Interval descriptions
iso1@data$drive_times <- factor(paste(iso1@data$min, "to", iso1@data$max, "mins"))
iso2@data$drive_times <- factor(paste(iso2@data$min, "to", iso2@data$max, "mins"))
iso3@data$drive_times <- factor(paste(iso3@data$min, "to", iso3@data$max, "mins"))
iso4@data$drive_times <- factor(paste(iso4@data$min, "to", iso4@data$max, "mins"))
iso5@data$drive_times <- factor(paste(iso5@data$min, "to", iso5@data$max, "mins"))
#Create Colour Palette for each time interval
factPal1 <- colorFactor(rev(heat.colors(12)), iso1@data$drive_times)
factPal2 <- colorFactor(rev(heat.colors(12)), iso2@data$drive_times)
factPal3 <- colorFactor(rev(heat.colors(12)), iso3@data$drive_times)
factPal4 <- colorFactor(rev(heat.colors(12)), iso4@data$drive_times)
factPal5 <- colorFactor(rev(heat.colors(12)), iso5@data$drive_times)
#Draw Map
addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron", group="Greyscale")%>%
addMarkers(data=spatialdf,lng=spatialdf$Longitude, lat=spatialdf$Latitude, popup = htmlEscape(~`Locate`))%>%
addPolygons(fill = TRUE, stroke = TRUE, color = "black",fillColor = ~factPal1(iso1@data$drive_times), weight = 0.5, fillOpacity = 0.2, data=iso1, popup = iso1@data$drive_times, group = "Drive Time")%>%
addPolygons(fill = TRUE, stroke = TRUE, color = "black",fillColor = ~factPal2(iso2@data$drive_times), weight = 0.5, fillOpacity = 0.2, data=iso2, popup = iso2@data$drive_times, group = "Drive Time")%>%
addPolygons(fill = TRUE, stroke = TRUE, color = "black",fillColor = ~factPal3(iso3@data$drive_times), weight = 0.5, fillOpacity = 0.2, data=iso3, popup = iso3@data$drive_times, group = "Drive Time")%>%
addPolygons(fill = TRUE, stroke = TRUE, color = "black",fillColor = ~factPal4(iso4@data$drive_times), weight = 0.5, fillOpacity = 0.2, data=iso4, popup = iso4@data$drive_times, group = "Drive Time")%>%
addPolygons(fill = TRUE, stroke = TRUE, color = "black",fillColor = ~factPal5(iso5@data$drive_times), weight = 0.5, fillOpacity = 0.2, data=iso5, popup = iso5@data$drive_times, group = "Drive Time")%>%
addLegend("bottomright", pal = factPal1, values = iso1@data$drive_times, title = "Drive Time")
iso <- osrmIsochrone(loc = c(spatialdf$Longitude,spatialdf$Latitude), breaks = seq(from = 0, to = 60, by = 5))
然后只使用 1 个多边形来映射所有这些?像这样...
addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron", group="Greyscale")%>%
addMarkers(data=spatialdf,lng=spatialdf$Longitude, lat=spatialdf$Latitude, popup = htmlEscape(~`Locate`))%>%
addPolygons(fill = TRUE, stroke = TRUE, color = "black",fillColor = ~factPal(iso@data$drive_times), weight = 0.5, fillOpacity = 0.2, data=iso, popup = iso@data$drive_times, group = "Drive Time")%>%
addLegend("bottomright", pal = factPal, values = iso@data$drive_times, title = "Drive Time")